
Dolphins being trawled to extinction

Last edited 20 January 2004 at 9:00am
20 January, 2004

Ship tour investigates dolphin deaths

Dolphin populations around the UK could be pushed towards extinction by destructive fishing practices, according to a report by the WDCS, the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society for Greenpeace, on January 21st.

The Net Effect?

Last edited 20 January 2004 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
11 August, 2009

A review of cetacean bycatch in pelagic trawls and other fisheries in the north-east Atlantic

Download the report:

Help save the albatross

Last edited 30 October 2003 at 9:00am

Tens of thousands of endangered seabirds die because of fishing every year. In the Southern Ocean, the albatross is being driven to the verge of extinction by fleets of pirate fishing boats, there to illegally catch Patagonian Toothfish.

Help protect the UK's whale, dolphin and porpoise populations!

Last edited 7 October 2002 at 8:00am
Bottlenose dolphin

Bottlenose dolphin

UK whale, dolphin and porpoise (collectively know as cetaceans) populations are under threat. You can help protect them by:

1. Writing to your MP expressing your concern about this problem and asking him/her to: