charles kennedy

Liberal Democrats condemned as hypocrites by leading UK green groups because of new Sheffield incinerator

Last edited 29 April 2002 at 8:00am
29 April, 2002

11 Greenpeace volunteers ended their occupation of Sheffield incinerator after protecting the people of the city of polluting gases for 3 days

11 Greenpeace volunteers ended their occupation of Sheffield incinerator after protecting the people of the city from polluting gases for 3 days

Offer to pay for Sheffield waste plan rebuffed by Liberal Democrats

The Liberal Democrats were dragged into a national row over incineration today because of Sheffield City Council's determination to build a new waste burner. The national Lib Dems have been branded as hypocrites and electoral opportunists by both Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace after the party tried to face in both directions on the controversial issue of burning rubbish. The national Lib Dems claim to be in favour of a moratorium on the building of new incinerators but in fact the Lib Dem controlled Sheffield City Council is trying to construct a massive waste burner against fierce local opposition.

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