common fisheries policy

Championing coastal waters and communities

Posted by Nina Schrank — 16 July 2014 at 2:48pm - Comments
Cornish fisherman with his catch of the day
All rights reserved. Credit: David Sandison/Greenpeace
A Sennen Cove fisherman with his catch of the day

While my colleagues have been doing big, bold and brash things like confronting oil drilling in the Arctic and taking on Tescos over their slipped commitments on sustainable tuna, I was reading reports by the European Commission and poring over the minute details of European Regulation. Doesn’t sound very Greenpeace, does it?

Deal or no deal on Europe's fishing laws?

Posted by Willie — 20 May 2013 at 5:47pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Will politicians net a fair fishing deal?

While considering how to write a blog on the latest developments on Europe’s bumpy road to fisheries reform, I decided to take a step back in time. Eleven months ago I wrote this blog explaining where the discussions were at, what was still on the table, and outlining a number of areas of concern.

Battle over ‘ownership’ of Britain’s fish begins in High Court

Last edited 8 May 2013 at 2:23pm
1 May, 2013

LONDON – An unusual alliance of Greenpeace, the government, and small-boat fishermen is poised for an unprecedented court battle with Britain’s most powerful fishing groups which could decide the 30-year-old question of who ultimately controls the UK's fishing quota – a public resource estimated to be worth billions of pounds.

Environmental campaigners and small-scale fishermen will be demonstrating outside the High Court as the first day of hearings begins today, to draw attention to a landmark case which could have momentous consequences for the definition of fish as a public good and the government’s ability to ensure Britain's seas are fished sustainably.

The fishing giant that claimed their membership was 'this big' when it wasn't

Posted by Ariana Densham — 8 February 2013 at 6:33pm - Comments
Fisherman with sustainably caught fish
All rights reserved. Credit: David Sandison/Greenpeace
Just how big is the NFFO's membership list?

Earlier this week, we exposed that the UK’s top fishing lobby – the National Federation of Fisherman’s Organisations (NFFO) – is not what it says on the tin. Traditional fishing is in crisis and it seems that small-scale fishermen aren’t getting the representation they deserve. Our investigation revealed some very interesting surprises and it has elicited a very fervent response from the NFFO.

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