carbon floor price

Budget 2014 – Greenpeace response

Last edited 19 March 2014 at 4:17pm
19 March, 2014

Wednesday 19th March, London - Responding to today’s budget, the 5th from this Government, Greenpeace is highlighting three areas where the budget has failed to deliver for the environment and protect the quality of people’s lives. These include a new tax boost for coal that will inevitably increase the amount of coal used, driving up carbon emissions and speeding up global warming.


Commenting on the lack of vision from George Osborne Executive Director of Greenpeace John Sauven said:

“ The most notable thing about this budget was its lack of ambition in connecting the economy with the environment, one of the key drivers of growth globally. Four years ago we were told it will be the ‘greenest government ever’. Today,  the absence of any green growth strategy or measures to deal with the risks of climate change is a damning indictment of a government that has clearly lost its way.”


Bonkers bonus for EDF

Last edited 11 May 2011 at 4:08pm
11 May, 2011

UK energy customers, who pay billions each year for domestic fuel, are unknowingly about to stump up an extra £50 million a year bonus for French energy giant EDF.

In a written reply to a MP Martin Howard, Justine Greening from the government Treasury team let out the coalition’s dirty little secret:

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