
Pentagon predicts climate chaos

Posted by bex — 25 February 2004 at 9:00am - Comments

Wasting energy - power station cooling towers are grossly inefficient

USAID and GM Food Aid

Last edited 7 October 2002 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
21 March, 2007

Publication date: October 2002


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The case against Esso

Posted by bex — 14 May 2002 at 12:00am - Comments

You could say that all big oil companies are the bad guys of global warming. They have discovered more oil than we can use without causing irreversible damage to the climate, and they continue to search for more.

But Esso (ExxonMobil) gets the prize! Why? Because Esso:

  • Esso powers the throne of George Bush
    Esso donated $1,086,080 to George Bush's Republican Party at the start of his election campaign. Unsurprisingly, Bush then did exactly what the oil giants wanted, pulling the United States out of the Kyoto protocol as soon as he was elected!

Climate conference urged - use your power to tackle poverty

Last edited 5 November 2001 at 9:00am
5 November, 2001

Governments at international climate negotiations underway in Morocco are being asked today to support an ambitious project to help tackle poverty and fight climate change, by providing renewable energy to more than two billion people globally.

The power to tackle poverty

Last edited 24 September 2001 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
30 June, 2001

Getting renewable energy to the world's poorTwo billion people one in three of us on the planet live without the basic energy services such as electricity that the rest of us take for granted. Every day they have to meet their essential needs with expensive, dirty and unreliable energy sources such as kerosene lamps, candles and fuel wood. These damage people's health, reinforce the cycle of poverty and contribute to environmental destruction. This can and must change.

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