
Greenpeace volunteers in custody after Star Wars protest

Last edited 15 July 2001 at 8:00am
'Stop Star Wars' protest at  Vandenburg air baseFifteen Greenpeace volunteers from around the world are in custody after their action which delayed the Star Wars missile test at Vandenberg Airforce Base in California yesterday.

Bush administration orders arrest of one man in a tent protesting Star Wars test

Last edited 15 July 2001 at 8:00am
15 July, 2001

Vandenberg Airforce Base, Lompoc, California 12th July, 2001: Just 48 hours before George Bush's Star Wars missile test, the full might of the US military has been brought to bear on a single Greenpeace activist, camped out on a tiny Pacific island close to the launch pad of the "kill vehicle" of the Star Wars system.

Greenpeace volunteers invade Menwith Hill

Last edited 3 July 2001 at 8:00am
Menwith Hill spy base, North Yorkshire

Menwith Hill spy base, North Yorkshire

Bush's dangerous Star Wars plans threaten global security

Last edited 2 May 2001 at 8:00am
2 May, 2001

The expanded US missile defence system, "Star Wars", outlined by President Bush today threatens to ignite a new arms race and completely undermines the cuts in nuclear weapons that he hinted at today.

Greenpeace sails to heart of Star Wars testing program to halt new test

Last edited 13 February 2001 at 9:00am
13 February, 2001

rainbow warriorThe international anti-nuclear and environmental organisation Greenpeace announced today that the SV Rainbow Warrior has set sail from Auckland, New Zealand for the Pacific Star Wars test site, to protest at the next scheduled test of the system and to call on U.S. President George W Bush to scrap the programme.

Ten Greenpeace volunteers arrested in demonstration against HMS Tireless in Gibraltar

Last edited 16 January 2001 at 9:00am
16 January, 2001

Ten Greenpeace volunteers were arrested in Gibraltar this morning (8.30am local time) following a demonstration against the British nuclear submarine HMS Tireless, currently anchored in Gibraltar harbour. The demonstration involved twenty volunteers from Spain, Germany, Austria, Italy and Andorra. The protest was to demand the elimination of nuclear reactors and arms from the oceans.

Aldermaston fire fighting appliances unfit for service

Last edited 15 February 2000 at 9:00am

Three incidents out of 100 revealed by CND that occurred in 1999 at Britain's atomic weapons factory at Aldermaston. On April 1, the Government will hand over management from Hunting BRAE to a different team. The bad news is that the new team comprises BNFL ('fundamentally flawed' managers of Sellafield) partnered by Lockheed Martin - a US company with a similarly poor record.