
Controversial nuclear weapons project gets council green light

Last edited 26 January 2006 at 9:00am
26 January, 2006

Greenpeace today accused the Government of steam-rollering the country into adopting a new generation of nuclear weapons after planning consent was given to a controversial new defence project.

Greenpeace believes the Orion laser, planned for the Atomic Weapons Establishment in Aldermaston, and other elements of the current £1 billion upgrade of Aldermaston's research and development facilities will be used to develop a new nuclear weapon - very possibly a new generation smaller, so-called 'battlefield' nuclear weapons that would be more likely to be used.

New nuclear weapons - we don't want them!

Last edited 25 October 2005 at 8:00am
Unnecessary and unwanted: a replacement for the Trident missile system

Unnecessary and unwanted: a replacement for the Trident missile system

Poll reveals majority oppose building of new UK nuclear weapon

Last edited 25 October 2005 at 8:00am
25 October, 2005

End of Cold War sees collapse in support for nuclear weapons

Issued: Monday 24th October 2005: A new MORI poll released today by Greenpeace reveals that more people oppose than support building a new nuclear weapons system to replace Trident (1). When presented with the estimated cost of Trident's replacement, a majority (54%) of the British public oppose the development of a new nuclear weapons system. Only one in three (33%) support their development.

MOD refuses information on Trident replacement

Last edited 21 October 2005 at 8:00am
With the Soviet Union gone, the veil of deterrence Trident was hiding behind vanished

With the Soviet Union gone, the veil of deterrence Trident was hiding behind vanished

Greenpeace launches campaign against Trident replacement

Last edited 13 October 2005 at 8:00am
13 October, 2005

The Government will make a decision on whether to build a new nuclear weapon system to replace Trident in this parliament.

This is a key decision for the UK and the world. A decision to build a new UK nuclear bomb will endanger the threatened Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty and Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, the only international legally binding treaties covering nuclear disarmament. If they fall we face a breakdown of international co-operation leading to a nuclear free for all.

Internal Pentagon document reveals new aggressive US nuclear weapons policy

Last edited 10 October 2005 at 8:00am
10 October, 2005

5th October 2005 Greenpeace today released a confidential draft of an internal Pentagon document "Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations", which reveals how the US government's aggressive new policies for nuclear weapons are being turned into military practice. The new doctrine shows military planners anticipating that US nuclear weapons might be used pre-emptively, and in much less intense crises than envisioned previously, including in a conventional conflict.

Greenpeace reaction to Nobel Peace Prize award to Mohamed ElBaradei

Last edited 10 October 2005 at 8:00am
10 October, 2005

Oslo 7 October 2005

Jan Vande Putte of Greenpeace International said:

"ElBaradei's role as head of the pro nuclear International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) calls into question the wisdom of making him a noble laureate. The IAEA, while tasked with policing the spread of nuclear weapons is also responsible for spreading the very technologies and materials used to make nuclear weapons. However, in opposing the Iraq war and championing a nuclear free Middle East, ElBaradei has in recent years been a voice of sanity in the world of nuclear non-proliferation."

Comment matrix on Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations

Last edited 5 October 2005 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
5 October, 2005


Comments from the US military branches to the Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations, which outlines how and under what circumstances nuclear weapons might be deployed by the US military.

Download the report:

US Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations

Last edited 5 October 2005 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
5 October, 2005


An unclassified draft of a US nuclear doctrine review that spells out conditions under which US commanders might seek approval to use nuclear weapons.

Download the report:

Understanding the Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations

Last edited 5 October 2005 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
5 October, 2005


Understanding the Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations
This document aims to help people understand Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations by:

  • Providing background context
  • Explaining acronyms
  • Summarising The Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations
  • Highlighting key sections of the Editing Log of the Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations
Download the report: