
Championing coastal waters and communities

Posted by Nina Schrank — 16 July 2014 at 2:48pm - Comments
Cornish fisherman with his catch of the day
All rights reserved. Credit: David Sandison/Greenpeace
A Sennen Cove fisherman with his catch of the day

While my colleagues have been doing big, bold and brash things like confronting oil drilling in the Arctic and taking on Tescos over their slipped commitments on sustainable tuna, I was reading reports by the European Commission and poring over the minute details of European Regulation. Doesn’t sound very Greenpeace, does it?

Waddle you do to celebrate World Penguin Day?

Posted by Willie — 25 April 2014 at 12:10am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
'Give us a kiss, it's World Penguin Day!'

It’s World Penguin Day today, April 25th, and I simply can’t imagine a world that didn’t have penguins in it. So in order to celebrate our funny fine-flippered friends I thought it would be good to pull together some fun facts about penguins. Some are fun, some are facts, and some are both at once. 

Secret fish quota list reveals foreign giants’ stranglehold on Britain’s seas

Last edited 19 December 2013 at 5:56pm
19 December, 2013

Some of the top catching vessels in the UK fleet are in the hands of foreign fishing giants which have been found to contribute little or nothing to the UK economy, a previously secret list of fishing quota holders has revealed.

The online register was published by the government after repeated calls for more transparency and a hard-fought campaign by Greenpeace and others. It provides the first clear information about the vessels, companies, individuals and industry bodies which control a UK fishing quota – a public asset worth over a billion pounds [1].

Euro Parliament fights overfishing by voting to reform subsidies

Last edited 23 October 2013 at 1:50pm
23 October, 2013




Parliament fights overfishing by voting to reform subsidies

Strasbourg, 23 October 2013 - Greenpeace cautiously welcomed today’s decision by the European Parliament to cap subsidies for the modernisation of the EU fishing fleet and to reject proposals to subsidise the construction of new boats. It warned however that a number of loopholes remain that would allow governments to continue to boost the ability of Europe’s fleet to catch fish.


Small-scale fishermen defeat trawler barons in court battle for Britain's fish

Last edited 10 July 2013 at 10:09am

High Court ruling clears way for major shake-up of fishing quota system, says Greenpeace

10 July, 2013

10 July 2013 – For immediate release

Greenpeace is urging the government to push ahead with a major shake-up of the UK fishing quota system after an attempt by big fishing firms to protect their stranglehold on Britain's fish was roundly defeated in the High Court.

 In a landmark ruling on an unprecedented legal battle for the control of the UK fishing quota, the court backed the government's decision to redistribute some of the unused fishing allowances held by the industry heavyweights to small inshore fishing boats [1].

Battle over ‘ownership’ of Britain’s fish begins in High Court

Last edited 8 May 2013 at 2:23pm
1 May, 2013

LONDON – An unusual alliance of Greenpeace, the government, and small-boat fishermen is poised for an unprecedented court battle with Britain’s most powerful fishing groups which could decide the 30-year-old question of who ultimately controls the UK's fishing quota – a public resource estimated to be worth billions of pounds.

Environmental campaigners and small-scale fishermen will be demonstrating outside the High Court as the first day of hearings begins today, to draw attention to a landmark case which could have momentous consequences for the definition of fish as a public good and the government’s ability to ensure Britain's seas are fished sustainably.

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