fishing quotas

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Fish discards are indefensible, but will the EU ban them?

Posted by Willie — 2 March 2011 at 6:23pm - Comments

If yesterday’s news is supposed to be today’s fish and chip wrappers, then today we have an odd scenario: your fish supper is probably wrapped in a hefty helping of column inches on fishing.

What we need to do to stop the pointless waste of discarded fish

Posted by Willie — 24 February 2011 at 12:38pm - Comments
Now you see it...: cod caught in the North Sea and about to be discarded
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace/Christian Aslund
Now you see it...: cod caught in the North Sea and about to be discarded

Discards are disgusting. No-one with any sense can support the catching, killing, and throwing away of fish. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s Fish Fight – which Greenpeace has supported from the outset - has at long last made the waste of perfectly good fish a national outrage. It is a pointless waste of life, and potential resources. It’s abhorrent whether you eat fish or don’t.

Scotland, Norway, EU, Iceland and Faroes square up in mackerel smackdown

Posted by Willie — 20 August 2010 at 7:35pm - Comments

It's a confusing time in the north Atlantic with an international controversy brewing over the humble mackerel. Some are comparing it to last century's 'cod wars', when the UK and Iceland went to battle over access to cod fishing.

Mackerel, an exquisitely beautiful fish related to the tunas, is relatively plentiful, occurs in big shoals, and can be caught quite 'cleanly' by seine nets or handlines. For these reasons (as well as the health benefits of it being an oily fish), it has become a firm favourite for those seeking a sustainable option.

Purse-seining season closes early for Mediterranean bluefin tuna

Posted by Willie — 9 June 2010 at 4:58pm - Comments

Greenpeace ships step in to stop bluefin tuna being fished to extinction © Hilton/Greenpeace

Today, or at 11.59pm tonight, to be exact, the purse-seining season for bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean is being closed. A week early.

I'm back on land now, having left the Arctic Sunrise in the Med. In London, we've had a flurry of media calls, excited by what they think is the "good news" that "bluefin fishing is being banned" in the Mediterranean.

So I thought, as well as putting the record straight with any journalists who'll listen, that I should maybe explain to everyone else what exactly is happening. And whether it is indeed "good news".

European fishing quotas another "annual farce"

Last edited 19 December 2008 at 3:46pm
19 December, 2008

Commenting on today's announcement of the EU fishing quotas, which has flown in the face of science by allowing an increase in the amount of North Sea cod which can be caught, Greenpeace oceans campaigner Willie Mackenzie said:

"Today's announcement is disastrous for the fishing industry. The cod quota could lead to fishermen fishing themselves out of a job, because these catch levels could see an end to North Sea cod.

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