
Category : Upper Nile State

News Upper Nile State

A General In Charge Of Security In The Federal State Of Sobat In The SPLM-IO Controlled Areas Congratulates Dr.Riek Machar For Promoting Him And His Colleagues In SPLM/SPLA.

Editorial Team.
  Jan 18, 2016 (Nyamilepedia) —- Sobat State’s security advisor in the SPLM-IO held territories Maj Gen John Wiyual Chuol Tang congratulates Chairman of SPLM...
News Northern Bhar el Ghazal Peace Process South Sudan Unity State Upper Nile State Western Bhar el Ghazal

JMEC Chairperson, President Festus Mogae, Begins Visiting TEN States

Jan 06, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —- Former Botswana President, Festus Mogae, who overseas the shaky South Sudan Peace Agreement and the formation of Transitional Government of National...