
Category : Upper Nile State

Breaking News News Upper Nile State

Government’s helicopter gunship gunned down by Tiger Faction New Forces

Editorial Team.
Nov 28, 2015 (Nyamilepedia) — The Tiger Faction New Forces (TFNF) has been attacked by the Government using two helicopter gunships in Thoworgwang location of...
News South Sudan Unity State Upper Nile State War

South Sudan: Another Rebellion Emerged To Resist Salva Kiir’s “28 States” Republican Order!

Oct 30, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — As many South Sudanese hope for a just peace after 22 months of brutal conflict, a new rebellion has emerged in...
Jonglei state News South Sudan Upper Nile State War

South Sudan Rebels Give Prisoners of War a Second Chance

Sept 9, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — After South Sudan government lost control of its barges and gunships in the latest violations of Permanent Ceasefire Agreement in Jonglei...
Breaking News Central Equatoria South Sudan Upper Nile State Western Equatoria State

Breaking: Turmoil In The Capital As Salva Kiir Dismisses and Detaines Governors

August 16, 2015(Nyamilepedia) – South Sudan Capital has been hit by a political turmoil and unrest this evening as Dozens of governors have been dismissed...
Jonglei state Peace Process Press Release South Sudan Unity State Upper Nile State

UGUNS Communiqué On IGAD Proposed Compromise Agreement On The Resolution Of the Conflict In The Republic Of South Sudan

The Union of Greater Upper Nile States (UGUNS) Inc August 14th, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — We, the leadership of The Union of Greater Upper Nile States (UGUNS)...
Press Release South Sudan Upper Nile State

Jikany Community in Kenya Denounced and Disowned Their Disgruntled Son. Maj. Gen.Gathoth Gatkuoth And His group

By Simon Bachuch | Jikany Community Chairman, August 11, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Jikany Community in Kenya held a meeting with their disgruntled son, Maj. Gen. Gathoth...
Jonglei state News South Sudan Unity State Upper Nile State War

South Sudan: SPLM/SPLA Condemns Starvation Policy On Civilians in Upper Nile!

August 5, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — The leaders of SPLM/SPLA in Opposition accuses Juba of restricting humanitarian access in Upper Nile to impose starvation on civilians in...
Law Enforcement News South Sudan Unity State Upper Nile State

Dr. Machar Relieves Maj. Gen. Peter Gatdet Yak As the Deputy Chief

July 21, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — The chairman and the Commander-in-chief of SPLM/A, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, has relieved the deputy Chief of General Staff for Operation,...