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Rejaf community rejects land committee selected by president Kiir.

Juba, South Sudan

November 5,2021— The Community of Rejaf has rejected the committee appointed by president Salva Kiir and led by Hon. Michael Chanjiek, the national minister of lands, housing and urban development.

President Salva Kiir, right, and Interior Minister Michael Chiengjiek Gey, left (Photo credit: Supplied/Nyamilepedia)
President Salva Kiir, right, and Interior Minister Michael Chiengjiek Gey, left (Photo credit: Supplied/Nyamilepedia)

President Kiir appointed a committee of 12 members on 11 of August 2021 to address the unabated land grabbing issues especially in Juba county.

In a statement obtained by Nyamilepedia, the Rejaf Community in Juba announced that they have rejected the Presidential Committee tasked with addressing land grabbing in the capital.

The committee is mandated to map out areas affected by informal settlements and land grabbing in Juba city and Juba County, including estimates of populations, household numbers and other related demographic data.

According to the statement, the committee is also tasked with ascertaining the causes of informal settlement and land grabbing in Juba County.

“The committee may summon and interview any person or persons including community leaders where it is appropriate to establish any information relating to the subject matter”, the statement reads.

“It says the committee shall submit its final report to President Kiir within six months”, the statement added.

The Rejaf community, however, argues that the areas under Rejaf Payam have already been demarcated and registered in the government records.

These include Gumbo, Korok West, Lukwilili and Tokiman east and west.

In a letter dated Nov 1 and seen by Nyamilepedia, the Rejaf community says it does not recognize the conduct of any social survey registration in the payam.

Meanwhile, it says the government should instead evict those who have illegally grabbed pieces of land.

It also calls for immediate demolition of all illegal structures and illegal concrete buildings in Rejaf and peaceful return of the land to its rightful owners.

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