
Last edited 29 November 2010 at 12:00pm

Climate-wrecking plans for a third runway at Heathrow airport have been axed. In a huge victory in the fight for genuine action against catastrophic climate change, the coalition government has cancelled the project. Which means that Airplot, the piece of land slap bang in the middle of the proposed third runway site at Heathrow and collectively owned by tens of thousands of people from around the world, probably won't now be needed.

Campaign updates

Stansted and City airports get the expansion go ahead

There've been two new blows to the UK's prospects of tackling climate change in the last couple of days. First, City Airport got permission to increase...
Posted by bex - 10 October, 2008 - 09:45

Kingsnorth, Heathrow and the 80% target

The Independent Climate Change Commission has warned the government that it should cut all greenhouse emissions by 80 per cent by 2050 to tackle climate...
Posted by bex - 7 October, 2008 - 11:12

End of a short-haul era?

Greenpeace volunteers at Newquay airport in March 2007 You might remember that, 18 months ago, we set up ticket exchanges at airports across the...
Posted by bex - 1 October, 2008 - 16:10

The Climate Rush is coming to suffragette city

While the preservation of civil liberties is an ongoing struggle (the government's ID database plan is one I think is definitely worth challenging), we've...
Posted by jamie - 1 October, 2008 - 12:05

Trains, planes and Tory party policy

Greenpeace saying Yes to the new high speed rail link to Europe last November © Rose/Greenpeace We've been hearing likely sounding noises for a...
Posted by bex - 29 September, 2008 - 11:52 -

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