
Last edited 29 November 2010 at 12:00pm

Climate-wrecking plans for a third runway at Heathrow airport have been axed. In a huge victory in the fight for genuine action against catastrophic climate change, the coalition government has cancelled the project. Which means that Airplot, the piece of land slap bang in the middle of the proposed third runway site at Heathrow and collectively owned by tens of thousands of people from around the world, probably won't now be needed.

Campaign updates

"More scared of climate change than jail": Plane Stupid shuts down Stansted

'Please DO something' - Plane Stupid send a message to the government My favourite climate protesters Plane Stupid struck again this morning when...
Posted by jossc - 8 December, 2008 - 13:13 -

Actions not words needed at Poznan

EU leaders - 20 years of broken promises... On 11 December at Poznan in Poland, our governments will decide Europe's response to climate...
Posted by jossc - 1 December, 2008 - 11:54

Darling loses sight of low-carbon, smart technology future

Yesterday's pre-budget report presented a great chance to Alastair Darling to fire the starting gun on a clean energy revolution, given that the combination...
Posted by jossc - 25 November, 2008 - 12:00 -

Breaking news: High Court challenge to Stansted expansion plans

After the increasing evidence of a damaging Labour rebellion on Heathrow expansion, and yesterday's "tap on the little finger" for Plane Stupid's...
Posted by bex - 14 November, 2008 - 17:02

Labour rebels: no to a third runway, yes to high speed rail

Greenpeace welcoming the opening of the new international terminal at St Pancras last year © Will Rose/Greenpeace Almost a year ago to the day, we went...
Posted by bex - 12 November, 2008 - 15:50

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