Greenpeace Blog

The "trawler trash" roadshow

Posted by bex — 4 December 2006 at 12:37pm - Comments

For every plate of beam trawled plaice there are up to 3 plates of wasted sea life

Following their fine showing in London's Trafalgar square last month, our Greenpeace 'fishmongers' hit the road today on their mission to show supermarket shoppers how many of the nation's favourite fish are caught using wasteful and destructive methods - beam-trawling in particular.

Artists on Aldermaston

Posted by bex — 2 December 2006 at 1:48am - Comments

One of the hundreds of citizens inspecting Aldermaston earlier this week was the artist Kurt Jackson. He’s best known for his paintings of the Cornish landscape, but it turns out he’s also a dab hand at sketching nuclear weapons facilities. In the rain. Under the scrutiny of nosy police officers.

European Commission admits illegal timber scandal

Posted by jamie — 1 December 2006 at 4:42pm - Comments

Activists demonstrate how the EU should be using FSC timber in May 2004

It's official. The European Union Commission has admitted that we were right about illegal timber in the commission's own headquarters.

Amazon soya campaign wins BBC food gong

Posted by jamie — 30 November 2006 at 6:39pm - Comments
Stop trashing the Amazon for fast food

I mentioned a few weeks ago that we had been nominated by the good listeners of BBC Radio 4's The Food Programme as part of their annual Food and Farming Awards for our Amazon soya campaign, of which the giant chickens running around McDonald's

Citizens inspection of nuclear bomb making factory at Aldermaston

Posted by bex — 27 November 2006 at 6:47pm - Comments

Anita Roddick at Aldermaston

© Greenpeace

Hundreds of citizen weapons inspectors have just spent this morning patrolling through the muddy fields of England. They came from all over the UK, converging on the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) facility at Aldermaston. They arrived from all directions, by bus, train, bicycle and on foot.

Iceland sinks UN moratorium on bottom trawling

Posted by jamie — 24 November 2006 at 7:04pm - Comments

The news that the UN moratorium on bottom trawling has sunk to the metaphorical, erm, bottom is grim enough but when you hear that it was all down to one country, it's just bloody depressing. And the culprit? Step forward Iceland, proud whaling nation and now ocean floor destroyer. Thanks guys.

But I can't put it better than Adele over on the Making Waves blog. There's real rage for you.

New nuclear power for Scotland?

Posted by bex — 24 November 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

Dounreay nuclear power plant at sunrise

As the Scottish Labour Party gathered in Oban for the first day of their party conference, green groups were there to urge First Minister Jack McConnell to come clean on his plans for nuclear power.