Energy Review

Scale back investment in wind, EDF and EON tell Miliband

Posted by jossc — 17 March 2009 at 3:54pm - Comments

offshore wind at work

Prepare to be unsurprised. Very unsurprised. Those lovable energy giants EDF and E.ON have put their collective boots into government plans to generate 35 per cent of our electricity from renewable sources.

According to their submissions to the latest energy consultation, the figure is not only unrealistic but also damaging to alternative schemes such as nuclear plants. So damaging that, um, they may be forced to drop their plans to build a new generation of nuclear power plants in the UK unless the government scales back its targets for wind power.

A personal account of the government's nuclear consultation

Posted by jamie — 12 September 2007 at 10:40am - Comments

The government's public consultation on the future of nuclear power in this country - part of its shambolic energy review - was held on Saturday, but no one from Greenpeace was there. Along with several other organisations, we withdrew from the process as its become clear it's just another stitch-up in the government's attempts to force nuclear power on us.

Why Tony Blair is wrong about nuclear power

Posted by bex — 23 May 2007 at 1:12pm - Comments

Melting ice

Today, the government has finally published its energy white paper. After last year's energy consultation was ruled "seriously flawed", "misleading" and "manifestly inadequate and unfair" by a High Court Judge, this white paper outlines a new energy policy - and a new nuclear consultation.

Yep, despite a few ineffectual concessions to renewables and efficiency, Tony Blair is still busily spinning the nuclear industry's line: that nuclear power is the answer to climate change. And we still think he's dangerously wrong.

Proposed new nuclear plants at grave risk of flooding

Posted by jossc — 12 March 2007 at 5:04pm - Comments

Close to the edge? Dungeness is one of the nuclear plants most at risk

Close to the edge? Dungeness is one of the nuclear plants most at risk

Greenpeace wins nuclear legal challenge

Posted by jamie — 15 February 2007 at 4:33pm - Comments

Green groups outside court

Success as government's nuclear plans ruled unlawful

Posted by jamie — 15 February 2007 at 9:00am - Comments

The government's decision to back nuclear power was ruled as unlawful by the High Court

In a major blow to the government's plans to reinvigorate nuclear power in the UK, the High Court has ruled their decision to back a programme of new nuclear power stations was unlawful.

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