Greenpeace Blog

Greenpeace and fishermen deliver 10,000 ‘fishy wishes’ to Cameron

Posted by Ariana Densham — 16 December 2011 at 11:52am - Comments

Something unprecedented happened yesterday. Greenpeace campaigners and part of the UK fishing industry came together to deliver 10,000 messages from Greenpeace supporters about the need for reform of the Common Fisheries Policy to Number 10.  

Adios, McKinsey: Papua New Guinea gives consultants the heave-ho

Posted by jamie — 14 December 2011 at 2:58pm - Comments
Child in Papua New Guinea protesting about land grabbing
All rights reserved. Credit: Paul Hilton/Greenpeace
Local people, not global consultants, should have a say in how their forests are protected

It seems the bad influence of McKinsey has diminished somewhat recently. The consultancy firm has been kicked out of Papua New Guinea (PNG), where it had been advising the government on how best to protect its rainforests and reduce emissions from deforestation. It seems the new (if controversial) administration has decided to cease doing business with McKinsey.

As Canada protects the polluters, the people hold the key to stopping tar sands expansion

Posted by bex — 13 December 2011 at 2:52pm - Comments

With the decision by Canada to pull out of the Kyoto protocol, it's clear that the Canadian government cares more about protecting the polluters (particularly the tar sands industry) than the people. But our new report shows that the people hold the key to stopping the growth of tar sands oil production - and investors would be wise to take note.

Stories from the Rainbow Warrior: Changing Sides

Posted by bex — 13 December 2011 at 9:54am - Comments

In the latest in our video series, "Stories from the Rainbow Warrior", Martti talks about his journey from an unhappy sailor working for an oil company to a sailor / activist on a Greenpeace ship. Want to get on board?

Spot the stormtrooper and win 200 Jedi points

Posted by Richard Martin — 9 December 2011 at 11:48am - Comments

This Saturday, Greenpeace volunteers will be out in force on the streets of London inviting people to sign petition cards to Volkswagen, and we’d like to invite you to support them by joining in a grand game of Spot the Stormtrooper.

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