Greenpeace Blog

Heathrow injunction update: confusion all around

Posted by bex — 1 August 2007 at 6:40pm - Comments

The hearing on BAA's Heathrow injunction began today and, so far, it mostly seems to have involved debate about whom BAA did and didn't intend to injunct.

From PA (snipped for length):

Oil to burn in the Arctic?

Posted by jamie — 1 August 2007 at 3:28pm - Comments

After twenty years out of fashion, the term 'cold war' has become the hot favourite in Fleet Street once more. Not just because diplomatic relations between Russia and the UK distinctly frosty at the moment, but Russia's current Arctic adventures are lowering the temperature even further.

Coal: because "the future is later"

Posted by bex — 31 July 2007 at 3:20pm - Comments

Here's a gem for you, via Gristmill:

(If you're not entirely convinced that the coal industry should determine your planet's future, you can help stop the construction of the first coal-fired power plants in the UK for 30 years here.)

Impact of Japan's nuclear accident

Posted by bex — 31 July 2007 at 12:45pm - Comments

Reuters has a new video report on the impacts of earthquake-struck Japan's recent nuclear accident, which means Kawashaki nuclear plant will be closed indefinitely:

Japan's killer earthquake left its biggest nuclear power company facing financial losses, supply questions, and demands for greater safety.

The video's here (there's an advert before the Reuters report starts).

Message from the North: "Climate change is upon us"

Posted by bex — 31 July 2007 at 10:44am - Comments

A glacial melt lake in Greenland
A glacial melt lake in Greenland.

It's becoming pretty obvious that the aviation industry is creeping closer and closer to the tactics of big tobacco and big oil in their attempts to "teach the controversy" over science that doesn't suit their profit margins.

Last week, it was an outrageous display of bullying aimed at groups concerned about climate change. A couple of weeks ago, there was another, smaller episode that got a lot less press; the aviation industry's briefing against an Inuit leader who came to the UK to tell his "southern neighbours" that the people of the Arctic are already feeling the impacts of climate change.

New Jersey's new climate laws

Posted by bex — 31 July 2007 at 9:19am - Comments

A little belated, but this has only just crossed our radar. New Jersey has become the third US state to adopt legislation to limit its emissions.

Toxic tea party

Posted by jossc — 30 July 2007 at 4:45pm - Comments

Toxic team made from poisoned local ground water, Guiya, SE China

One of the most serious consequences of the dramatic floods which swamped parts of England in recent weeks was the loss of clean drinking water. Even now that the citizens of Tewkesbury have running water once again, it will be a few more days before they can safely start drinking their tap water.

Climate change to blame for more Atlantic hurricanes

Posted by bex — 30 July 2007 at 2:57pm - Comments

The aftermath of Hurricane Andrew
The aftermath of Hurricane Andrew.

After a study last week confirmed the link between climate change and increased rainfall in the UK, a new study published yesterday has made the connection between climate change and a doubling in the number of Atlantic hurricanes in an average season over the past 100 years.

Heathrow injunction: Transport for London joins the fray

Posted by bex — 27 July 2007 at 2:06pm - Comments

Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone has just joined the fray, speaking out against BAA's injunction. (If BAA wins its case next Wednesday, five million people would be banned from Heathrow airport, parts of two motorways and the entire Picadilly Line on the London Underground.)

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