Greenpeace Blog

Celebrating island (wild) life

Posted by Willie — 22 May 2014 at 12:05am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace

Today is the International Day for Biological Diversity. That’s a bit of a mouthful, but put simply it’s a day officially set aside to celebrate the world’s wealth of wildlife. For 2014 the theme is Island Biodiversity.

What's hot and what's not in the party manifestos: a whistle-stop tour

Posted by wmccallu — 20 May 2014 at 12:58pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: greenpeace

Just a couple more days until the European elections and I thought I should probably take a look at the parties’ European election manifestos. Just to check where they stand on the issues I care about.  Here’s a whistle-stop tour of where I think the manifestos do well, and where I think there may be an opportunity for change...

The Times they aren't a changin.

Posted by Graham Thompson — 16 May 2014 at 3:02pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: The Times
The Times, edited by John Witherow, owned by Rupert Murdoch

The front page of the Times today spashes on a terrible conspiracy to suppress ground-breaking new climate science which could overturn the alleged ‘consensus’ on climate sensitivity and expose highly suspicious inconsistencies in the work of the IPCC.

Except, of course, it doesn’t.

We're taking action to stop loggers plundering the Amazon

Posted by Richardg — 15 May 2014 at 7:07pm - Comments

After two years investigating illegal logging in the Brazilian Amazon, we're taking action to stop it. Here's the story so far.

In pictures: the silent crisis in the Amazon

Posted by Angela Glienicke — 15 May 2014 at 4:31pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: © Greenpeace / Daniel Beltra
Rainforest close to the city of Altamira. A Greenpeace team is in the area to witness the "Cachoeira Seca" (Dry Waterfall) Indigenous land, where illegal logging and land grabbing has been occurring.

Today Greenpeace published a 2-year investigation that shows how the logging industry threatens the Amazon rainforest. These photos show the illegal logging that's ransacking the forest and show what's at stake if the logging continues.

How to take part in the South Downs fracking consultation

Posted by Richard Casson — 15 May 2014 at 4:22pm - Comments
by. Credit:

If you live in (or near) the South Downs and care about how fracking could impact the area, here's a guide to how you can take part in the latest public consultation. Read on for a step by step guide and a few talking points. And importantly please remember to have your comments sent in by 5PM on Thursday 22 May, as that's when the consultation closes.

Why is Jewson selling timber that's been plundered from the Amazon?

Posted by Richardg — 15 May 2014 at 12:23pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Stacks of ipe timber in Jewson's supplier's lumber yard

Illegal logging is the norm in the Brazilian Amazon, where timber laundering - covering illegal timber with phony papers - happens on an industrial scale. So why is the DIY chain Jewson selling garden decking made from rare Amazon trees?

Exposed: how loggers plunder the Amazon and get away with it

Posted by Richardg — 14 May 2014 at 5:54pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Daniel Beltra

For two years, Greenpeace has been investigating logging in the Brazilian Amazon. We found that criminals were ransacking the forest - and that the systems set up to stop them are being used to launder illegal timber.

Brazil's logging sector is full of crooks - and the Amazon is paying the price

Posted by Richardg — 7 May 2014 at 3:05pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Rodrigo Baleira

The Brazilian government has made several attempts to take control of logging in the Amazon. But despite high-profile crackdowns, the trade in illegal timber is vast and growing.

No more tears for tigers as Johnson & Johnson cleans up its palm oil

Posted by Richardg — 6 May 2014 at 11:21am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: UNKNOWN

On Friday, Johnson & Johnson announced it would stop buying palm oil from companies destroying the rainforest. Now the onus is on the palm oil industry as a whole to leave its forest destruction behind.

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