Greenpeace Blog

The Energy Omnishambles

Posted by petespeller — 22 May 2012 at 6:02pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
A loop hole in the Energy Bill could see the return of coal-fired power stations

The government's flagship attempt to reform where our electricity comes from prioritises expensive gas and nuclear over renewable energy, doesn’t even mention money saving energy efficiency and is so complicated that even the energy utilities don't understand it.

Shell: Dear Greenpeace, We know where you live...

Posted by bex — 17 May 2012 at 4:23pm - Comments
Paula Bear was unmoved by Shell's legal threats after opening their letter yeste
by. Credit: Creative Commons: Greenpeace
Paula Bear was unmoved by Shell's legal threats after opening their letter yesterday morning

Yesterday morning, staff at Greenpeace Germany received an important-looking letter from Shell - well, Shell’s Legal Services department. Over the next 24 hours or so, identical letters arrived at other Greenpeace offices, including Mexico, UK, France, Hungary, Nordic, Japan, Mediterranean, Poland, Greece, Czech Republic, Belgium, Canada and even Greenpeace’s Science Unit. I think it’s fair to say Shell had something they wanted to say to us.

Danger! We're opening our Twitter account to lots of people

Posted by jamess — 15 May 2012 at 4:10pm - Comments
by. Credit: Greenpeace
Willie our oceans campaigner is keen to tweet pictures of his hippie Lego...

We're trying an experiment.

Over the next six weeks we're going to be giving people across the Greenpeace UK office the ability to tweet directly on our main account. Yes, the Greenpeace UK webteam is giving up control so you get unfiltered, unchecked content from all four, idiosyncratic corners of this wonderful organisation. Which means any number of people can now instantly push out their thoughts to our 36,000+ Twitter followers. What could possibly go wrong?

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