Greenpeace Blog

Greenpeace podcast: The problem with palm oil in Indonesia

Posted by jamie — 23 June 2008 at 4:33pm - Comments

In this edition, we about the Indonesian end of our palm oil campaign from Hapsoro, one of our campaigners in Jakarta, and why getting Unilever on our side is a good start but not the whole answer. We also take a trip to the wilds of Middlesex where opposition to Heathrow's third runway is turned into a celebration with bands, costumes and performers to send a resounding 'No' to the government. And we hear from Bruce Nilles of the Sierra Club in the US about how potential changes on the political scene could nip the resurgance of coal in the bud.

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Want to know more about the issues in this podcast?

The problems with palm oil
Unilever, palm oil and the proposed moratorium
Amy Winehouse says 'No, NO, NO!' to a third runway
The Sierra Club: Moving beyond coal

Support laws to control illegal timber in Europe

Posted by jamie — 23 June 2008 at 10:19am - Comments

Greenpeace volunteers hang a banner from a crane at the new Home Office in 2002

Just one of the many actions we've taken to expose the government's shoddy approach to illegal timber

Over the past few years, we've done plenty of work to highlight the problem of illegally logged timber being imported and sold in the UK - remember the government's repeated foul-ups in this area? It's insane, but we still don't have any laws preventing illegal timber from places like the Amazon and south-east Asia reaching our shores, nor does any other country in Europe.

Japan's stolen whale meat scandal: whistleblowers arrested for exposing the truth

Posted by jossc — 20 June 2008 at 12:27pm - Comments

Greenpeace Japan whale campaign coordinator Junichi Sato

Japanese police have arrested the two Greenpeace activists responsible for exposing a whale meat scandal involving the government-sponsored whaling programme. The two activists, Junichi Sato, 31, and Toru Suzuki, 41, are being investigated for allegedly stealing a box of whale meat which they presented as evidence.

Read more on our international site

The 'Quit Coal' tour in the Philippines

Posted by jossc — 20 June 2008 at 12:10pm - Comments

Greenpeace activists paint the message 'Quit Coal' on the driveway of the Department of Energy today in Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City, Philippines

Taking the message to the Philippines Department of Energy

Mareike, web editor aboard the Rainbow Warrior, give us an update on from the Philippines about how the 'Quit Coal' tour is progressing.

Burning coal accounts globally for over 70 per cent of CO2 pollution from power generation and is the greatest single threat to our climate.

That's why the Rainbow Warrior is on a global tour from New Zealand, via the Philippines and Thailand, to the UN climate panel meeting in Poland at the end of this year, promoting a massive uptake of renewable energy and energy efficiency and the phase out of coal.

An open (cast) and shut case?

Posted by jossc — 18 June 2008 at 5:48pm - Comments

Leave it in the gound: climate campaigners occupy Lodge House open cast mine site

Hot on the heels of Friday's 'Great coal train action' which halted coal shipments to Drax power station for the best part of two days, comes news of more anti-coal activity. Early this morning climate campaigners from 'Leave it in the Ground' occupied UK Coal's Lodge House site in Derbyshire where a new open cast coal mine is planned, and the rural lanscape is about to be devastated by huge earth-movers.

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