
The 'Quit Coal' tour in the Philippines

Posted by jossc — 20 June 2008 at 12:10pm - Comments

Greenpeace activists paint the message 'Quit Coal' on the driveway of the Department of Energy today in Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City, Philippines

Taking the message to the Philippines Department of Energy

Mareike, web editor aboard the Rainbow Warrior, give us an update on from the Philippines about how the 'Quit Coal' tour is progressing.

Burning coal accounts globally for over 70 per cent of CO2 pollution from power generation and is the greatest single threat to our climate.

That's why the Rainbow Warrior is on a global tour from New Zealand, via the Philippines and Thailand, to the UN climate panel meeting in Poland at the end of this year, promoting a massive uptake of renewable energy and energy efficiency and the phase out of coal.

Update: Rainbow Warrior ends peaceful protest at Pagbilao

Posted by jossc — 27 May 2008 at 1:37pm - Comments

Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior passes by the coal ship Sam John Spirit as it exits the Pagbilao coal-fired power plant pier in Quezon Province, 150 kilometers south of Manila.

The Rainbow Warrior's protest at the Pagbilao coal-fired power plant in the Philippines has ended on a high note. Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri sent a message of support to the crew saying, "I will file a resolution in the Senate seeking a halt in the construction of new coal fired power plants in the country."

The action ended on the eve of the G8 Environment Ministers Meeting in Japan, where the richest industrialised countries in the world gathered at the weekend to discuss solutions to climate change. Ending the use of coal needs to top the agenda.

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"Quit coal" tour gets underway in Philippines

Posted by jossc — 23 May 2008 at 11:58am - Comments

The Rainbow warrior blocks coal shipments at the Pagbilao coal-fired power plant in Quezon province, 150 kilometres southwest of Manila.

The crew of the Rainbow Warrior kicked off a month long "Quit coal" tour around south-east Asia today when they blocked a coal shipment at the Pagbilao coal-fired power plant in Quezon province, south-west of Manila.

Green bulbs switched on in the Philippines

Posted by jamie — 14 February 2008 at 6:25pm - Comments

Excellent news reaches us from the Philippines where a ban on old-fashioned incandescent bulbs has recently been announced.

President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo announced plans for phasing out inefficient bulbs by January 2010, adding the Asian archipelago to the growing list of countries, including Ireland and Japan, which are slashing their emissions by shifting to compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). So pressure is building up on our own government - and indeed the entire EU - to bring in their own mandatory efficiency standards for light bulbs.

Activists attacked in the Philippines

Posted by bex — 10 November 2005 at 9:00am - Comments
philippines action

philippines action

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