Greenpeace Blog

Crucial UN climate conference gets underway in Bali

Posted by jossc — 3 December 2007 at 2:24pm - Comments

melting iceberg (copywrite nasa)

If a week is a long time in politics, then is two weeks long enough for world leaders to finally get to grips with the single biggest challenge we all face - limiting the effects of global climate change?

The answer has to be yes, if only because the consequences of any other outcome would be unthinkable. The start of the 2007 UN Climate Change Conference (otherwise known as COP 13) in Bali today coincides with alarming reports that the tropical belt that girdles the Earth's equator is expanding - pushing its boundaries out towards the poles at a rate not predicted by current computer models, which anticipated such developments only towards the end of this century.

Everyone's blogging from Bali

Posted by jamie — 30 November 2007 at 7:17pm - Comments

As you're no doubt aware, the international conference on climate change kicks off in Bali next week and (even though it will be one of those meetings to discuss the possibility of having other meetings to talk about climate change), it's a big deal. So representatives from across the Greenpeace world are making their way there and some will be providing blog updates.

Secret filming exposes the harsh reality of palm oil plantations

Posted by jamie — 30 November 2007 at 6:10pm - Comments

Taking up the western half of New Guinea island, the Indonesian province of Papua is a bit of a mystery. It's off-limits to outsiders and journalists, so the activities of the palm oil industry there haven't been widely reported. Until now, that is. With the help of the Environmental Investigation Agency, local communities have been making their own films about what's happening to the forests they rely on.

Two of these films have appeared on the web. In the first, Tears of Mother Mooi, members of the eponymous Mooi tribe explain why the forest is so important to them and what they are already losing as a result of the advancing wave of oil palm plantations. The second, Defenders of the Tribal Boundaries, goes into detail about the activities of the palm oil companies - it's frankly depressing to see the devastation being wrought to provide us with a cheap, convenient commodity.

Bali: now big business demands action on climate change

Posted by jossc — 30 November 2007 at 12:47pm - Comments

A replacement to the Kyoto treaty will be thrashed out in Bali next week.

An expensive white, radioactive elephant

Posted by jamie — 29 November 2007 at 6:54pm - Comments

Ever since the government started ranting about the joy of new nuclear power stations, a central plank of their shaky argument has been that the billions required will be covered by industry and not the taxpayer. But despite these bold claims, legislation and loopholes have been carefully engineered so that public money will inevitably subsidise the industry. Hardly surprising, given there hasn't been a single civil nuclear project that hasn't required huge sums of public dosh.

Brownwash redux

Posted by jamie — 28 November 2007 at 6:51pm - Comments

There's a video megamix of Gordon Brown's speech from last week doing the rounds on YouTube, cut to highlight just how wishy-washy his words were:

Don't be fooled - 'sustainable' palm oil is a myth

Posted by jamie — 28 November 2007 at 6:17pm - Comments

Last week, Sainsbury's announced that it aims to use only sustainable palm oil in its own-brand products. Sounds great, and with Asda having made a similar announcement earlier this year, you might think supermarkets will soon be stocking only those palm oil products that weren't helping to cause the indiscriminate destruction of forests in places like Indonesia. The truth is that, while both companies score top marks for excellent intentions, delivery is going to be decidedly tricky as there is currently no credible way of telling whether palm oil is 'sustainable' or not.

Gaming giants fail toxic exam

Posted by jossc — 27 November 2007 at 6:57pm - Comments

Green Elecronocs Guide Autumn 2007

With Christmas getting ever closer we've some unfestive bad news for gaming giants Nintendo, makers of the popular Wii, Gamecube and Game Boy consoles. They've achieved a spectacular zero score in the latest edition of our quarterly Greener Electronics Guide - the first time such a feat has ever been accomplished.

The guide ranks companies on the toxic content of their products and their willingness to take back and recycle them once they become redundant. This is the first time that we've included gaming consoles, giving Nintendo the chance to leap straight into last place - an opportunity they grasped with both hands!

An email from British Airways

Posted by jamie — 27 November 2007 at 4:06pm - Comments

An email to members of British Airways' Executive ClubThanks to marcus for letting us know about an email that's been sent from British Airways to members of its Executive Club. In it, CEO Willie Walsh appeals to members' sense of loyalty - nay, duty - and asks them to support a third runway at Heathrow. He's even provided an easy online petition to sign - how sweet is that?

He makes no mention of how vital a third runway is supposed to be for the UK economy which is curious, seeing as it's the drum government ministers have been beating recently. Instead, he plays on the drubbing Heathrow's customer service has received in the press by insisting that a third runway will make the "customer experience" that much more comfortable.

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