EfficienCity: what to ask your local council

Last edited 5 February 2008 at 1:45pm

EfficienCity: a climate-friendly town

Thanks for deciding to help make your community climate friendlier! Councils can transform the UK's energy system - and many already are. We want all councils that take the leap into a genuinely sustainable energy future

When you call or email your council to find out what they're doing about climate change and whether they have any plans for decentralised energy schemes, please remember, you’re not trying to attack the council – you’re trying to persuade them to do more! (If you'd like to find out more about decentralised energy before you talk to them, you can read all about it or watch our 18 minute film).

Here are our suggested discussion points:

• Do you take climate change into account in your work and when you're making decisions?

• Do you have carbon emissions reduction targets? If so, what are they?

• Do you have a formalised plan to tackle climate change locally? Can I have a link to the document?

(You may find your council says they have signed up to the Nottingham Declaration and uses this as an example of taking action on climate change. Ask them what they have done to fulfil their commitment, and what actual steps they have taken to tackle climate change.)

• Have you heard of decentralised energy or district heating schemes?

• If they haven't heard of it, tell them that Manchester, Eastleigh, Southampton, Woking and Birmingham all have schemes in place, which are helping them to reduce emissions, local energy bills and fuel poverty. Point them to www.greenpeace.org.uk/efficiencity/councils to find out more.

• If they have heard of decentralised energy, ask them if they have any schemes in place, whether they're incorporating it into their climate change plan (if they have one), and whether they're making developers include decentralised energy in new developments?

• Are they interested in doing more, or at least finding out more? If so, give ask them to email webteam@uk.greenpeace.org and point them to www.greenpeace.org.uk/efficiencity/councils.

Ready? Help make your council climate friendlier now!

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