Cuadrilla's defeat a Waterloo for fracking industry - Greenpeace

Last edited 29 June 2015 at 11:51am
29 June, 2015

Commenting on today's decision by Lancashire County Council to turn down Cuadrilla's application to frack at a second site in the region, Greenpeace UK energy and climate campaignre Daisy Sands said:

“This decision is a Waterloo for the fracking industry and a triumph for local democracy. It's also a huge boost for efforts to kick the UK’s addiction to dangerous fossil fuels. Lancashire councillors deserve huge praise for standing up to the relentless pressure from the fracking lobby and their minister friends. Their decision sends a powerful signal to other councils that the fracking juggernaut can indeed be stopped.

"Cuadrilla's defeat should trigger a reality-check from a government that has staked so much of Britain’s energy future on this controversial industry. In the year where the world is coming together to find a solution to our fossil fuel problem, we should be trying to harness the potential of clean energy and efficiency instead of deploying risky techniques to squeeze more polluting gas from under our feet.”


Contact: Stefano Gelmini, m 07506 512442

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