hydraulic fracturing

Greenpeace ‘frack’ Parliament Square

Last edited 9 February 2016 at 8:46am
9 February, 2016
  • PHOTO CALL – near Gandhi statue from 7.45am the rig will flare and drill hourly
  • Photos will be uploaded on this link throughout the day

 Tuesday 9th February, London - Greenpeace has installed a life-like ten-metre fracking rig and drill at Parliament Square this morning to ‘bring the local impacts of fracking to the heart of democracy’.

A new Populus poll released today by Greenpeace shows that nearly two-thirds (62%) of people in the UK think their local council, not central government departments, should decide whether to accept or reject fracking applications in their local area. 

Cuadrilla's defeat a Waterloo for fracking industry - Greenpeace

Last edited 29 June 2015 at 11:51am
29 June, 2015

Commenting on today's decision by Lancashire County Council to turn down Cuadrilla's application to frack at a second site in the region, Greenpeace UK energy and climate campaignre Daisy Sands said:

“This decision is a Waterloo for the fracking industry and a triumph for local democracy. It's also a huge boost for efforts to kick the UK’s addiction to dangerous fossil fuels. Lancashire councillors deserve huge praise for standing up to the relentless pressure from the fracking lobby and their minister friends. Their decision sends a powerful signal to other councils that the fracking juggernaut can indeed be stopped.

Ops note - Westminster rally calling for fracking moratorium on Monday

Last edited 23 January 2015 at 6:47pm
23 January, 2015


  • When: Monday 26 January 2015 from 12:30pm
  • Where: Old Palace Yard, opposite the House of Lords
  • Speakers: Bianca Jagger, Caroline Lucas MP, John Ashton, Julian Huppert MP, Vivienne Westwood
  • Organisers: Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace UK, 38 Degrees, The Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation, Occupy Democracy, Reclaim The Power, Climate Revolution
  • Programme: Speeches from 1:00pm, and petition hand-in at 2.15pm

Over a hundred people including Bianca Jagger, Chair of The Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation, and residents from affected communities are expected to join a Westminster rally calling for an immediate fracking moratorium on the day of a crunch vote in the Commons on Monday.

Half of Lancashire residents worry about fracking impact on house values

Last edited 22 December 2014 at 12:15pm
22 December, 2014

Three quarters of Lancashire residents oppose ministers' plans to allow energy firms to frack under people’s homes whilst almost half of them are worried about the impact of shale drilling on house prices, a new survey shows.

The findings are published today as some Fylde residents living close to Cuadrilla’s potential drilling sites in the area have come forward claiming shale gas developments have already affected the value of their homes and put off potential buyers and tenants.

The poll results, which form the second part of a survey by leading marketing research agency Redshift for Greenpeace UK, show nearly half (45%) of the 500 Lancashire residents interviewed are worried about the impact of fracking on house prices, with one in five (21%) saying they are very concerned.

Lucas MP's acquittal a victory for ordinary people opposing fracking – Greenpeace

Last edited 17 April 2014 at 4:38pm
17 April, 2014

Commenting on Caroline Lucas MP being cleared of all charges following a high-profile anti-fracking protest at Balcombe last year, Greenpeace UK Executive Director John Sauven said:

17 April, 2014


“This verdict is a victory for the right to peaceful protest but more importantly for Britain’s growing movement of ordinary people opposing fracking.

“Caroline Lucas had the guts to stand up for what she believes in. In the age of expense scandals and ‘cab for hire’ politicians, an MP ready to put her neck on the line is a refreshing sight.

Greenpeace launch of "live" fracking report

Posted by kcumming — 16 December 2013 at 6:58pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: les stone/ greenpeace
Fracking for natural gas in Pennsylvania

Fracking - three years ago most people hadn't even heard of it. Today it's in our papers, our politics and potentially our backyards. The pro-frackers accuse the anti-frackers of misinformation and vice versa. Figures about well numbers, truck movements, jobs and revenue tend to vary wildly. No one has yet gone back and done an assessment of all the evidence. Until now.

Greenpeace Response to Government Gas Fracking Go-ahead

Last edited 17 April 2012 at 11:17am
17 April, 2012

Responding to news that government advisors have given the go-ahead for gas fracking in the UK, Joss Garman, Greenpeace’s senior energy campaigner, said:

“This could be bad news for consumers and would be very damaging for UK efforts to tackle climate change.

“That’s because there’s absolutely no indication that fracking for shale gas will reduce soaring household energy bills, while scientific studies suggest that this kind of gas could be as polluting as coal.