
Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Government issues more fracking licenses to companies linked to tax havens

Last edited 17 December 2015 at 2:38pm
17 December, 2015

Fracking companies found by a Greenpeace investigation to be either wholly or partly owned by entities based in offshore tax havens have today been issued further fracking licenses by the UK Government.

Yesterday a Greenpeace investigation revealed that 40% of existing fracking licenses (issued ahead of today’s announcement) were held by companies linked to tax havens, including Celtique Energy, Cuadrilla, INEOS and Third Energy.

Greenpeace investigation links frackers to tax havens

Last edited 16 December 2015 at 7:27pm
16 December, 2015

40% of licenses to frack in the UK are held by companies which are wholly or partly owned in offshore tax havens, a Greenpeace investigation has found.

Analysis also shows that Cuadrilla, one of the UK’s leading shale gas firms, is majority owned by entities based in offshore tax havens.

Cuadrilla's defeat a Waterloo for fracking industry - Greenpeace

Last edited 29 June 2015 at 11:51am
29 June, 2015

Commenting on today's decision by Lancashire County Council to turn down Cuadrilla's application to frack at a second site in the region, Greenpeace UK energy and climate campaignre Daisy Sands said:

“This decision is a Waterloo for the fracking industry and a triumph for local democracy. It's also a huge boost for efforts to kick the UK’s addiction to dangerous fossil fuels. Lancashire councillors deserve huge praise for standing up to the relentless pressure from the fracking lobby and their minister friends. Their decision sends a powerful signal to other councils that the fracking juggernaut can indeed be stopped.

Fracking the desolate north: despatches from the frontline

Posted by simon clydesdale — 17 July 2014 at 10:21am - Comments
Lancashire County Councillors greeted with anti-fracking message
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Lancashire county councillors greeted with anti-fracking message today

Another fracking application, another town. I’m not sure the ‘Not For Shale roadshow on tour’ t-shirt is ready to compete yet with the One Direction world tour t-shirt. But we’ve already appeared in Chichester, Midhurst, and today is Thursday so it must be sunny Preston.

Coalition faces voter backlash over ‘under-house fracking bill’, new poll shows

Last edited 6 May 2014 at 10:21am
6 May, 2014

Government plans to allow fracking companies to drill under people’s homes without their permission are set to run into widespread opposition as a major new poll reveals three quarters (74%) of British people are against the move.

Nearly three quarters of Tory (73%) and Lib Dem (70%) potential voters hold the view that energy companies should have to get permission from owners or residents before drilling for gas under their homes or land, a YouGov survey published today reveals. Only 13% of respondents said energy firms should not be required to have this consent.

Lucas MP's acquittal a victory for ordinary people opposing fracking – Greenpeace

Last edited 17 April 2014 at 4:38pm
17 April, 2014

Commenting on Caroline Lucas MP being cleared of all charges following a high-profile anti-fracking protest at Balcombe last year, Greenpeace UK Executive Director John Sauven said:

17 April, 2014


“This verdict is a victory for the right to peaceful protest but more importantly for Britain’s growing movement of ordinary people opposing fracking.

“Caroline Lucas had the guts to stand up for what she believes in. In the age of expense scandals and ‘cab for hire’ politicians, an MP ready to put her neck on the line is a refreshing sight.

Tomorrow's fracking announcement - what to watch out for

Last edited 16 December 2013 at 3:50pm
16 December, 2013

As part of its preparations for a new round of shale gas licenses, DECC will tomorrow publish a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for Further Onshore Oil & Gas Licencing. It has been produced by Engineering firm AMEC.


THE SHEER SCALE OF THE PROPOSALS: The Department’s most recent map of the 14th Onshore Licencing Round covers over two –thirds of England.

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