
Climate alarm - time to get serious

Posted by bex — 23 July 2001 at 8:00am - Comments
sounding the climate alarm

sounding the climate alarm

Sirens set off by Greenpeace activists outside the United Nations climate conference sounded the alarm - it is time for ministers to start talking. Activists outside the conference unfurled a banner which read "Australia, Canada, USA - Climate Criminals" while inside Australia and Canada were doing their best to either stall or vandalise the Kyoto Protocol and frustrate attempts to combat climate change.

"It's desperation time for the world's climate and this conference," said Steve Sawyer, Greenpeace climate campaigner.

Pacific nation fears devastation from the ocean

Posted by bex — 20 July 2001 at 8:00am - Comments
wave energy:  a green and sustainable energy resource

wave energy: a green and sustainable energy resource

A tiny South Pacific nation is planning to evacuate the islands because of rising sea levels. Tuvalu has asked Australia and New Zealand for help in resettling its 11,000 people. The government says the islands may be engulfed in 50 years.

A Tuvaluan government spokesman says New Zealand has agreed to help but there have been no guarantees from Australia.

Daily update COP6

Posted by bex — 18 July 2001 at 8:00am - Comments
Volunteers occupy tanker- Italy

Volunteers occupy tanker- Italy

Update: 18th July , 2001

Much buoyed by the ongoing occupation of the Exxon tanker near Genoa, our delegation spread out early this morning across the conference center, gathering information and position papers, and focussing on the details of the negotiations for their assigned groups.

Today is the last day that substantive progress can be made before the ministers start the political negotiations in earnest tomorrow.

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