International Policy

G8: the story so far

Posted by bex — 7 June 2007 at 11:58am - Comments

Stop global warming

UPDATE - 12.40pm: There have been boat chases and arrests near the G8, as Greenpeace inflatables entered the exclusion zone.

After a week of farcical manoeuvrings and diversions in the run up to the G8, today’s the day of reckoning; this afternoon, Angela Merkel, George Bush, Tony Blair et al will sit down in Heiligendamm to talk about climate change. The interplay of power between them will help determine if, how and when climate change is seriously tackled by the world’s most polluting countries.

US harpoons climate language in leaked document

Posted by bex — 29 May 2007 at 5:20pm - Comments

If we needed more proof that the Bush administration is still ignoring the global scientific consensus on climate change, we now have it - in the form of a leaked document from the G8. Track changes in the Word document - a draft communique on climate change and energy security - reveals the edits made by the Bush administration.

The opening paragraph says it all really:

G8 leaders should ignore Bush not the climate

Posted by bex — 6 July 2005 at 2:51pm - Comments

George Bush in front of the US flag

As the G8 summit gets underway in Scotland, environment and development groups are urging Prime Minister Tony Blair and other world leaders to stand up to President Bush and agree a clear way forward for climate protection.

Global oil trading stopped

Posted by bex — 16 February 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

A policeman and a Greenpeace volunteer

Today is a day for action. After a long and arduous process the Kyoto Protocol comes into force and business as usual is not an option.

Thirty-five Greenpeace volunteers halted trading on the global oil market by occupying the International Petroleum Exchange in London. They entered the high security building near Tower Bridge shortly before 2pm, just as the world market in Brent crude was about to switch to London.

Kyoto saved: not yet the planet

Posted by bex — 22 October 2004 at 8:00am - Comments


The Russian parliament voted to ratify the Kyoto Protocol today in a blow to George W Bush's opposition to action on climate change.

Kyoto coming to force is a geopolitical ground shift. Russian ratification pushes this global climate protection agreement over the threshold required to become international law.

Kyoto saved: not yet the planet

Posted by bex — 22 October 2004 at 8:00am - Comments


The Russian parliament voted to ratify the Kyoto Protocol today in a blow to George W Bush's opposition to action on climate change.

Kyoto coming to force is a geopolitical ground shift. Russian ratification pushes this global climate protection agreement over the threshold required to become international law.

Climate treaty on the road to ratification

Posted by bex — 30 September 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
coal fired plant

coal fired plant

Kyoto dead... Don't hold your breath!

Posted by bex — 5 January 2004 at 9:00am - Comments
international climate talks 2001

international climate talks 2001

The latest round of international discussions about global warming concluded in Milan, Italy on 12th December. Sadly, the UN Convention on Climate Change (COP9) again failed to ratify the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, prompting critics to write it off for the umpteenth time.

In the past ten years, it has been almost impossible to count the number of times that the Kyoto Protocol has been declared 'dead'.

Bush, security, and the Rio Earth Summit

Posted by bex — 13 August 2002 at 8:00am - Comments
Earth from Space

Earth from Space

Rémi Parmentier, Political Director, Greenpeace International

You can hardly open a newspaper these days without finding the latest revelations about how the White House and American intelligence failed to interpret signs that the September 11th attack was being prepared. Eleven months after that day, discussions about 'security' seem to have stalled within that very narrow framework.

Climate alarm - time to get serious

Posted by bex — 23 July 2001 at 8:00am - Comments
sounding the climate alarm

sounding the climate alarm

Sirens set off by Greenpeace activists outside the United Nations climate conference sounded the alarm - it is time for ministers to start talking. Activists outside the conference unfurled a banner which read "Australia, Canada, USA - Climate Criminals" while inside Australia and Canada were doing their best to either stall or vandalise the Kyoto Protocol and frustrate attempts to combat climate change.

"It's desperation time for the world's climate and this conference," said Steve Sawyer, Greenpeace climate campaigner.

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