
The top five green policies that weren't in the budget

Posted by sgelmini — 18 March 2015 at 12:36pm - Comments
by-nc. Credit: Oxfam
image from IF coalition campaign

In 2009, George Osborne told us that if he became Chancellor "the treasury will become a green ally, not a foe." There appears to have been some confusion about what is expected of a 'green ally', so, to clarify things, here's what he should have done.

Not-quite-instant karma's gonna get you

Posted by Graham Thompson — 23 April 2013 at 12:21pm - Comments
George Osborne slightly overwhelmed
All rights reserved. Credit: unknown
Osborne feeling slightly overwhelmed

This week, the Office of National Statistics will tell us if Britain has slipped into a triple dip recession, and if the news is grim we may be treated to the sight of George Osborne – the most stridently anti-environment chancellor for a generation – blaming it all on climate change.

Denmark to go 100% renewables by 2050

Posted by petespeller — 29 March 2012 at 1:24pm - Comments
Middelgrunden offshore windfarm in Denmark
All rights reserved. Credit: Paul Langrock / Zenit / Greenpeace
Middelgrunden offshore windfarm in Denmark

Hot on the heels of Germany’s ambitious renewable energy plans, the Danish government went even further and announced last week that they plan to get half of their country’s total electricity requirement from renewable sources by 2020 and 100% of total energy, including electricity, heating, industry and transport, by 2050.

Why are the oil companies complaining?

Posted by Richardg — 18 April 2011 at 4:41pm - Comments
Cairn's tugs drag icebergs out the way of its Arctic oil drilling rig
All rights reserved. Credit: Will Rose / Greenpeace
Cairn's tugs drag icebergs out the way of its Arctic oil drilling rig

Ever since last month’s Budget, oil companies have been complaining about George Osborne’s tax on North Sea oil and gas. Yet many have just announced record profits - boosted considerably by current sky-high oil prices. What do they take us for?

'Greenest government ever' keeps us addicted to oil and other dirty energies

Posted by jamie — 24 March 2011 at 4:32pm - Comments

So yesterday's budget was from the self-proclaimed 'greenest government ever', but was it the greenest budget ever? How could it be, when it has done nothing to break our addiction with oil, hobbled the Green Investment Bank before it's even started, and provided a windfall for nuclear power.

So it's cuts across the board - except for Trident

Posted by jossc — 23 June 2010 at 12:37pm - Comments

While George Osborne was busy launching the most swingeing budget cuts in a generation yesterday, he went out of his way to stress that he was being "tough but fair" – and that the pain of his austerity measures would be shared by everyone.

But hey - apparently companies involved in nuclear arms building wont be sharing the pain. This was made clear by new Defence Secretary Liam Fox when he presented his plans for a Strategic Security and Defence Review (SDSR) to parliament.

Trident: the elephant in the cuts 'debating room'

Posted by Louise Edge — 8 April 2010 at 4:53pm - Comments

Cuts, cuts, cuts! – the papers are full of debate about the budget, whether it was radical enough, what cuts different political parties are going to make if they get elected, what should be protected, what should be axed, when they should act…

Yet so far our politicians are missing the easiest cut of all. Cutting plans to waste money on new nuclear weapons which, as last year's In the Firing Line investigation revealed, will cost UK taxpayers a shocking £97 billion over the next 30 years.

Darling's budget: green shoots but only a little green growth

Posted by jossc — 25 March 2010 at 4:06pm - Comments

The chancellor promises £1bn for clean energy projects, but much more will be needed

Although heavily trailed by the chancellor’s supporters as an environmental budget, in the end it turned out to be a lot less than a comprehensive green win.

Despite Mr Darling’s assurances that he gets the need for tougher carbon reduction targets, he backed away from raising fuel duty and found more money for motorways under pressure from road lobbyists.

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