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Greenpeace reveals challenges ahead for truly Green Gadgets

Last edited 3 September 2014 at 10:12am
3 September, 2014

3rd September, London – As Berlin prepares to host Europe’s biggest consumer technology show on Friday, the IFA 2014 [1], Greenpeace has released a new report measuring the tech giants progress towards greening the  gadgets on display there.

Apple is leading the consumer electronics sector in addressing its environmental footprint, leaping ahead of rivals Samsung, who are failing to match Apple’s leadership.

The Greenpeace International report, Green Gadgets: Designing the future evaluates the progress and future challenges for 16 leading consumer electronics companies on the elimination of hazardous chemicals, reducing their energy footprint and building sustainable supply chains [2].

Greenpeace UK’s head of IT, Andrew Hatton said:

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