energy efficiency

Greenpeace reveals challenges ahead for truly Green Gadgets

Last edited 3 September 2014 at 10:12am
3 September, 2014

3rd September, London – As Berlin prepares to host Europe’s biggest consumer technology show on Friday, the IFA 2014 [1], Greenpeace has released a new report measuring the tech giants progress towards greening the  gadgets on display there.

Apple is leading the consumer electronics sector in addressing its environmental footprint, leaping ahead of rivals Samsung, who are failing to match Apple’s leadership.

The Greenpeace International report, Green Gadgets: Designing the future evaluates the progress and future challenges for 16 leading consumer electronics companies on the elimination of hazardous chemicals, reducing their energy footprint and building sustainable supply chains [2].

Greenpeace UK’s head of IT, Andrew Hatton said:

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Will EU leaders pick a winner… for energy security?

Last edited 25 June 2014 at 9:10am
25 June, 2014

New report: ambitious efficiency & renewables targets could slash imports by 45 per cent more than EU plans

Brussels, 25 June 2014 – As EU leaders consider measures to improve Europe’s energy security at a summit in Brussels, a new report has exposed European Commission plans as woefully inadequate to cut reliance on energy imports, said Greenpeace. The report released today shows that strong EU commitments on renewables and energy efficiency could reduce the need for imports by 45 per cent more in 2030 than under the EU’s existing plans [1]. 

Centrica HQ shut down with ‘world’s biggest bill’

Last edited 30 April 2012 at 9:55am

Government documents reveal British Gas owner expecting gas supply to shrink

30 April, 2012

Dozens of Greenpeace campaigners have shut down the headquarters of ‘Big Six’ energy company Centrica this morning in a row over rising household energy bills.

The Greenpeace campaigners have blockaded the private road leading to the Windsor-based HQ with a spoof energy bill measuring 260 square feet, which says ‘Your energy bill ripoff is being fuelled by gas hikes’. 

LIVE: Greenpeace activists shut down Centrica HQ

Posted by petespeller — 30 April 2012 at 7:09am - Comments
Giant energy bill outside Centrica offices
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Is your energy bill as big as this?

This morning 50 Greenpeace volunteers shut down the head office of British Gas owners Centrica using the world's biggest energy bill.

We're there to tell Centrica to end its dangerous addiction to expensive and polluting fossil fuels. It is time to get off the gas price rollercoaster and start investing in clean, renewable energy and energy efficiency to bring bills under control and tackle climate change.

Take action now to tell Centrica to end the energy rip-off!

It's time to make all homes and businesses more energy efficient

Posted by petespeller — 25 January 2012 at 12:21pm - Comments
Thermographic image of heat loss
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Thermographic image of heat loss

The Environmental Change Institute at Oxford University have just put out a new report calling for new laws to increase energy efficiency standards in all of the UK’s 26 million homes and 2 million business properties. Implementing these recommendations would mean that energy use in all buildings in the UK result in zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

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