Emma Thompson

Lights, camera, direct action: 6 times Emma Thompson spoke up for the planet

Posted by Danielle Boobyer — 27 April 2016 at 10:01am - Comments
Emma and Sophie Thompson jump over a fence
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Emma and Sophie Thompson jump over a fence

Today Emma Thompson and her sister Sophie are occupying a fracking site. The actors are using whisks, spoons & cake to challenge fracking with their unusual protest - the Frack Free Bake Off.

Emma’s no stranger to speaking up for our planet. From marching for climate justice to protesting outside Shell's HQ with a giant polar bear puppet, this is one actor who's not afraid of direct action.

An open letter to the Heathrow 13 from Emma Thompson and Alastair McGowan

Posted by alice.hunter — 24 February 2016 at 10:48am - Comments
by. Credit: Greenpeace

Dear Heathrow 13,

As long-standing opponents of a third runway at Heathrow, we want to express our support and solidarity to you all.

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