Flash Mobs

It's flashmob time again: stop expansion at Manchester Airport

Posted by jossc — 16 September 2008 at 12:10pm - Comments

Flashmob detail
The battle to win hearts and minds on the critical airport expansion issue continues apace. The latest group to take the field is in Manchester, where a flashmob is being organised to protest against the expansion of Heathrow, Manchester and all UK airports.

It's being called to coincide with the Labour Party Conference in Manchester and, in true flashmob fashion, will mysteriously manifest in Albert Square outside Manchester Town Hall on Tuesday 23rd September at 12.45pm sharp!

Heathrow's Terminal 5 gets flashmobbed

Posted by bex — 27 March 2008 at 12:03pm - Comments

Flashmob at Heathrow

Flashmob at Heathrow's Terminal 5 this morning

This morning saw the opening of Heathrow's new Terminal 5 to the public. Unfortunately for the aviation industry and government - who wanted this to be a chance to promote their case for airport expansion - a large section of that public is vehemently opposed to unsustainable aviation growth, and not afraid to show it.

So at exactly 11am this morning, hundreds of people stripped down to reveal identical "Stop Airport Expansion T-shirts", and to highlight the problems caused by airport expansion and unsustainable aviation growth. Pictures of the flashmob are coming in to our Moblog thick and fast. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see video footage of the event.

Stop Heathrow expansion: dates for your diary

Posted by bex — 22 February 2008 at 4:02pm - Comments

Arrivals - noise, pollution, climate change

A third runway at Heathrow will mean the imminent arrival of more noise, pollution and climate change

The end of the Heathrow stitch up consultation is nigh, so here's another quick reminder that, on Monday, MPs, activists, authors, and, well, all sorts of people opposing Heathrow expansion are holding a mass rally and filling Central Hall in Westminster.

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