
Join the Global Day of Climate Action

Posted by jamie — 5 December 2007 at 6:35pm - Comments

Climate change protesters dressed in polar bear costumes in Trafalgar Square, London

With the climate conference rumbling on in Bali, the time is ripe for people around the world to stand up, be counted and demand tough action to prevent climate change. Time, in fact, for the Global Day of Action, which this year falls on Saturday 8 December so there's just a few days to go.

National Lottery Project

Posted by admin — 22 April 2005 at 8:00am - Comments

Letting Glasgow know what's going on inside Kelvingrove Art Gallery

Our campaign to stop National Lottery funded projects using endangered rainforest timber took another step forward on 21st March when the Heritage Lottery fund agreed to source all timber from legal and well-managed sources for projects they fund.

National Lottery funds rainforest destruction

Posted by admin — 6 September 2004 at 8:00am - Comments

Letting Glasgow know what's going on inside Kelvingrove

Work on the National Lottery funded refurbishment of Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in Glasgow, the most visited museum in the UK outside London, was halted today by almost 100 Greenpeace activists from the Forest Crime Unit exposing the use of rainforest timber in the project.

National Lottery funds rainforest destruction

Posted by admin — 5 September 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
An activist with some FSC timber at Kelvingrove, Glasgow where illegal timber is being used in rennovations

At 7.30am, on September 6th, almost 100 activists from Greenpeace's Forest Crime Unit halted construction at the National Lottery funded refurbishment of Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in Glasgow, the most visited museum in the UK outside London.

The volunteers removed packs of timber, which is being used for new flooring, and replaced it with timber certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), guaranteed to be come from environmentally and socially responsible sources. At the same time, four Greenpeace climbers scaled the front of the museum before dropping a banner reading 'The National Lottery: Funding Rainforest Destruction'.

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