
How Clean is Your Cloud?

Posted by petespeller — 17 April 2012 at 4:30pm - Comments

If you use a smartphone, Facebook, email or any sort of online storage then you're using what is referred to as "the cloud". Every day, our lives revolve more and more around the phenomenon that is the cloud. We check our email, store our music, and share photos and status updates. It’s a key part of how we connect with our friends and family.

But have you ever stopped to wonder… where does the cloud actually exist?

New Greenpeace report digs up the dirt on Internet data centres

Posted by jamess — 21 April 2011 at 12:52pm - Comments
by. Credit: Greenpeace

For most of us, when we think about our environmental footprint, the first things that spring to mind are how to commute to work, the kind of bags we use for food shopping, or the detergents we wash our clothes with. But how often do we consider the energy we use when surfing the web? Or, how much polluting, dirty energy our Facebook profile generates?

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