Green Economy

Dear George Osborne, #greenisworking! Love, everyone.

Posted by Richardg — 18 October 2012 at 5:24pm - Comments
Green Is Working event at the treasury
All rights reserved. Credit: Clive Mear / Tearfund
Deborah Meaden joins Stop Climate Chaos Coalition and supporters outside the Treasury to tell the government #GreenIsWorking

Yesterday, I joined 249 other people from green businesses, development charities, trades associations, green groups and the Women's Institute outside the Treasury. We'd come to tell the government that the green economy is working.

Chop or not? Cutting Trident is a winner with the public and the TUC

Posted by Louise Edge — 29 April 2010 at 2:24pm - Comments

The TUC's Frances O'Grady on the gaping hole at the heart of Britain's finances

Tonight sees the final leaders’ debate of election 2010, and with the polls still close and Gordon Brown facing up to the public after his 'bigot' gaffe, it should be a lively one.

The subject of the debate is the real issue of the day – the economy and how we are going to deal with our massive national deficit.

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