
International climate talks July 2001

Posted by bex — 16 July 2001 at 8:00am - Comments
international climate talks 2001

international climate talks 2001

World governments met in Bonn for the international climate talks in July 2001. The talks took place against a backdrop of new scientific evidence that confirms what most have suspected all along, that the threat of climate change is even worse than was previously thought.

Public opinion polls around the world show overwhelming public support for positive action to combat climate change, and the European Union has pledged to go forward and ratify the Kyoto Protocol, the only international treaty to protect the climate. But on the other side stands the United States, George W. Bush and his corporate sponsors like Esso, Texaco, Chevron and the other oil companies, the coal industry, and the other US corporate polluters who put Bush into power and now expect some payback.

Daily update COP6

Posted by bex — 15 July 2001 at 12:42pm - Comments
dont let us drown

dont let us drown

Update: 15th July , 2001

As NGOs, press and delegates from around the world gathered in Bonn over the weekend, the tension started to build for what will be a very busy two weeks for everyone involved in the climate issue. The Greenpeace delegation, from over a dozen countries, and including over 20 US university students, arrived on Friday night and Saturday morning. We spent the time orienting ourselves, setting up our office here and finalising plans for the week. The first Climate Action Network meeting, with other NGOs from around the world, focussed on what we could expect from the US, how to go about putting pressure on Japan, and what the hell we're going to do about Australia and Canada, who seem to be lining up as the US mouthpieces in these talks since the US has rejected the Kyoto Protocol.

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