
Top 10 reasons to love the ocean

Posted by Willie — 23 July 2014 at 2:44pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: © Greenpeace / Paul Hilton

We need to protect our beautiful oceans and the ecosystems within from overfishing and pollution (which you can help to do by adding your name to the petition to defend our oceans)

Why? Because they are home to a staggering 80% of life on Earth... but aside from that amazing fact, here are our top ten reasons to love the ocean:

Top ten reasons to LOVE the ocean

Posted by Willie — 14 February 2014 at 11:02am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace

It’s Valentine’s Day. To offer you a sugar-free, non-commercialised way of celebrating here are our top ten reasons to LOVE the ocean.

Global day of action: We love the Arctic, Saturday April 20

Posted by Nic S — 16 April 2013 at 2:24pm - Comments

As the ice melts, oil companies are threatening the pristine Arctic with industrial disaster. On Saturday, April 20, the world is calling for action to protect the Arctic for all of humanity.  Join the global day of action near you and be part of the urgent call for Arctic protection, because what happens in the Arctic affects us all.

We love the Arctic - April 20 - Central London

Last edited 19 April 2013 at 6:10pm

As the ice melts, oil companies are threatening the pristine Arctic with industrial disaster. On Saturday, April 20, at 8:30pm, the world is calling for action to protect the Arctic for all of humanity.