
As Canada protects the polluters, the people hold the key to stopping tar sands expansion

Posted by bex — 13 December 2011 at 2:52pm - Comments

With the decision by Canada to pull out of the Kyoto protocol, it's clear that the Canadian government cares more about protecting the polluters (particularly the tar sands industry) than the people. But our new report shows that the people hold the key to stopping the growth of tar sands oil production - and investors would be wise to take note.

Stories from the Rainbow Warrior: Changing Sides

Posted by bex — 13 December 2011 at 9:54am - Comments

In the latest in our video series, "Stories from the Rainbow Warrior", Martti talks about his journey from an unhappy sailor working for an oil company to a sailor / activist on a Greenpeace ship. Want to get on board?

The battle for the Frozen North: Point Hope (video)

Posted by bex — 7 December 2011 at 1:45pm - Comments

The small Alaskan community of Point Hope - or Tikiġaq, as the Iñupiaq people call their homeland - is one of the oldest continually occupied sites in North America.

Stormtroopers expose car lobby get-together

Posted by sara_a — 2 December 2011 at 9:09am - Comments

Today the Dark Side has come to Brussels, where the world’s biggest car companies are gathering for a shadowy meeting where they will decide whether to block a key European climate law to clean up our engines.

Cairn's Arctic misadventure ends in dismal failure

Posted by bex — 30 November 2011 at 2:03pm - Comments
Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord in Greenland
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace / Nick Cobbing
Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord in Greenland

It was the biggest oil exploration campaign ever in the Arctic. It cost over a billion dollars. And Cairn has absolutely nothing to show for it.

We're challenging Cairn's gagging order: right to protest is as important as Cairn's right to run its business

Posted by bex — 29 November 2011 at 12:09pm - Comments
Cairn's rig - the most controversial in the world - about to start Arctic drilli
All rights reserved. Credit: Jiri Rezac / Greenpeace
Cairn's rig - the most controversial in the world - about to start Arctic drilling

I don't know if you read our Get Active blogs, written by our brilliant community of Greenpeace volunteers? It turns out that Cairn Energy do. Last week, Cairn's lawyers sent us a terse email warning us that we were in breach of the draconian interdict they've taken out against us.

Ministry blocks anti-tar sands law, so we block ministry's front door

Posted by jamie — 28 November 2011 at 12:13pm - Comments

Right now, 50 activists are blockading the Department for Transport with two immobilised cars parked in front of the entrance. Why? Because our government is trying to scupper EU legislation that will block tar sands oil - the dirtiest, most polluting form of oil there is - from being sold at UK petrol pumps.

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