
Tweeting from the rooftops: Shell, keep out of the Arctic

Posted by bex — 21 February 2012 at 5:00pm - Comments

It’s official. On Friday, Shell got a step closer to drilling for oil in our planet’s last wild ocean - the Arctic. 

The company’s oil spill response plan for the Chukchi Sea off Alaska was given the all clear by US authorities, even though it’s a work of almost complete fantasy.

In 30 years we've lost 75% of the Arctic sea ice

Posted by jamess — 10 February 2012 at 9:57am - Comments
In 30 years we've lost 75 percent of the Arctic sea ice
All rights reserved. Credit: Nick Cobbing / Greenpeace
In 30 years we've lost 75 percent of the Arctic sea ice

If there's one fact to remember which underlines the urgency in protecting the Arctic it's this: in 30 years we've lost 75 per cent of the Arctic sea ice.

VW: 500,000 Jedi can't be wrong

Posted by jamie — 1 February 2012 at 12:17pm - Comments

Our VW campaign has passed a significant milestone, as the Jedi ranks swell to over 500,000. That's an incredible half a million people demanding that Volkswagen gets behind the sort of climate laws we need to save our planet.

So thank you for signing up, recruiting your friends and keeping up the pressure on VW - it's been absolutely amazing.

Major victory over Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, but more battles to come

Posted by bex — 19 January 2012 at 5:34pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace / Colin O'Connor
Rubbish piled up on the barren ground of the tar sands outside Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada

President Obama has just said no to the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, which was to carry tar sands oil from Alberta to Texas. Despite a fierce lobbying campaign by oil companies and by Canada's Harper government, Obama spiked the pipeline - in part thanks to an unprecedented and global grassroots uprising.

Cracks appear in VW ranks as polar bears invade Brussels motor show

Posted by jamie — 12 January 2012 at 2:33pm - Comments
Polars bears lounge around a VW Polo at the Brussels motor show
All rights reserved. Credit: Sara Ayech/Greenpeace
Polars bears lounge around a VW Polo at the Brussels motor show

VW has been ignoring our requests for a meeting, so we've paid a visit to its exhibition stand at the Brussels Motor Show.

Or, to be more precise, dozens of polar bears (including the majestic Paula Bear) have invaded the prestigious Autosalon 2012 event to protest about the impact that Volkswagen and the rest of the car industry is having on our climate and the Arctic.

VW: pioneering anti-social media

Posted by jamess — 10 January 2012 at 2:20pm - Comments

After ignoring well over 1,000 comments on its Facebook pages, Volkswagen has found a new tactic: deleting them.

VW: what a social media fail looks like

Posted by jamess — 4 January 2012 at 10:44pm - Comments

What I love about social media is that you can’t fake it.

For all the hundreds of millions of dollars companies like Volkswagen pump into their advertising machines (for VW it’s a cool £1.5bn every year) they can’t crack social media. And that’s down to one simple reason: they fear honesty. 

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