Paul Mccartney

'Dear Vladimir...': Paul McCartney writes to Putin calling for Arctic 30 release

Posted by Elena Polisano — 14 November 2013 at 12:01pm - Comments
Paul McCartney
All rights reserved. Credit: MPL Communications / MJ Kim
Sir Paul is standing firm for the Arctic 30

Support for the Arctic 30 just went pop. In a really good way. And Sir Paul McCartney just made a sure-fire bid to become my favourite Beatle.

Today on his website Sir Paul published a personal letter to Vladimir Putin, in which the ex-Beatle calls for the Arctic 30 to be reunited with their families.

An alternative speech on energy (and a quick Hello Goodbye)

Posted by bex — 6 February 2008 at 3:04pm - Comments

Conference organiser and climate campaigner meet

Climate campaigner talks to the coal conference organiser

Update: Now with video.

Well, it's all been going on at our barricade of the government / coal industry shindig. This morning, an interested - and vaguely familiar looking - passer-by stopped to have a chinwag with with the volunteers chained to the barricades. After a 10 minute chat about climate change, coal, and climate change's impacts on disease migration, the passer-by wished everyone luck and wandered off.

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