
Open thread: Call out for your ideas to help Free the Arctic 30

Posted by Nic S — 30 September 2013 at 5:23pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Together, we are strong.

As of yesterday, all 30 of the men and women who were aboard the Arctic Sunrise are being detained for two months in Russian jail, without charge. We must not let such blatant intimidation succeed. With the combined support of 4 million of us, who all want to see the Arctic protected, there is nothing we can’t do. Now is the time for creative action. Please add your suggestions and ideas on what we can do together to the comments below. I will read every one of them.

Video: how to climb the tallest building in western Europe

Posted by victoriah — 24 July 2013 at 6:08pm - Comments

Since the six of us climbed the Shard, many people have asked: how did we do it? How much training did it take? How did we go to the toilet?

78 Shell shutdowns, 24 arrests, 4 in custody, and 1 birthday in jail

Posted by Nic S — 17 July 2012 at 3:57pm - Comments

Yesterday, we took action. We closed 78 petrol Shell stations in London and Edinburgh to protest against Shells mission to drill for oil in the Arctic. We broadcast the action live from the ground, on the world’s first live direct action TV channel (we think), which ran for 12 hours, watched by over 14,000 people around the world. This happened as part of Greenpeace UK's contribution to the Greenpeace global week of action happening all around the world to save the Arctic.

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