Sir David King

"Global warming is a conspiracy against America"

Posted by bex — 4 November 2004 at 9:00am - Comments
Don't Buy Esso: Bad CompanyAs a taste of what is to come during a second term with Bush, an advisor to the President on climate issues came out claiming global warming is a myth designed to 'hamper American competitiveness.'

Myron Ebell, a director at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, told the BBC's Radio 4 that claims that the climate is threatened are "ridiculous, unrealistic and alarmist."

Chief Scientist: we need immediate action on climate change

Posted by bex — 14 October 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
Sir David King

Sir David King

According to the government's chief scientist, Sir David King, while the evidence continues to grow, what we really need to see is action to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

"Action is affordable, inaction is certainly not," said Sir David at the Greenpeace Business lecture on global warming in London.

As scientists around the world study the changes in our climate going back almost a million years, they confirm what many of us know, climate change is already here.

Greenpeace Business lecture on global warming: the imperatives for action

Posted by bex — 11 October 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
Flooding in PragueSir David King, Chief Scientific Adviser to the United Kingdom and Head of the Office of Science and Technology, will deliver a speech at the next Greenpeace Business lecture. The lecture will be held at the Royal Society of Arts and will be chaired by Stephen Tindale, Executive Director of Greenpeace UK. Ithe third Greenpeace Business lecture on Tuesday 12 October 2004. The lecture will focus on the science of global warming and the need for action.

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