
Greenpeace close Amazon soya facilities in Brazil and Europe

Posted by admin — 22 May 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

A sign explaining Cargill's role in Amazon deforestation stands outside their Surrey HQ

You may never have heard of Cargill, but they are the largest privately-owned company in the world. They also happen to be one of the major culprits in the continuing destruction of the Amazon rainforest, driving deforestation to make room for soya plantations. That soya is then shipped out to Europe for animal feed.

KFC = Klearing Forest for Chickens

Posted by admin — 17 May 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

Greenpeace activists unfurl a banner saying KFC Amazon Criminal in a soya planatation near Santarem, Brazil

As we revealed in early April, McDonald's have been implicated in the clearance of the Amazon rainforest to grow soya for animal feed and, thanks to the thousands of emails and letters you sent, they're talking to us about how they can get out of the Amazon.

In the Name of Progress: how soya is destroying the Amazon rainforest

Posted by admin — 2 May 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

Soya farming is chewing up the Amazon rainforest at unprecedented rates as huge areas are cleared to make way for massive monoculture plantations. In the Name of Progress, a film produced by Greenpeace, illustrates the devastating effects that the booming soya market is having on the world's largest remaining rainforest.

We're trashin' it!

Posted by admin — 4 April 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

Its a cluckin spectacle at McDonalds across the country this morning as Greenpeace volunteers expose McDonalds role in Amazon destruction

The Amazon rainforest covers 5 per cent of the world's land and extends over some 7.8 million kilometres. It is one of the most biodiverse regions on earth - at least 30 per cent of the world's land-based animal and plant species live there. The Amazon is also home to about 220,000 people from 180 different indigenous nations who live deep in the rainforest, and it plays a vital role in maintaining the world's climate.

Spot the illegal farmer

Posted by admin — 8 March 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

Greenpeace protesters unfurl a 2,500 metre square banner in an area of illegally cleared Amazon rainforest - the farmer's car is parked in the middle

Greenpeace protesters unfurl a massive banner in an area of illegally cleared Amazon rainforest - the farmer's car is parked in the middle

Deep in the Amazon forest, Greenpeace protesters clashed with the man responsible for a major 'forest crime' - the destruction of a vast area of pristine forest.

Lula told: "Save the Amazon"

Posted by admin — 7 March 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

Greenpeace protesters demonstrate as the Queen and President Lula pass by during his state visit

As President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil paid a visit to Buckingham Palace today, the Greenpeace forest football squad were there to remind him that the world has a vested interest in the future of the Amazon rainforest.

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