Tidal Power

A kick up the renewable energy targets

Posted by jamie — 23 January 2008 at 8:31am - Comments

An offshore wind farm

As much as any announcement from the EU can generate enormous anticipation, the proposed renewable energy targets for member states has been eagerly awaited by our climate change team. It's been pretty much public knowledge for some time what the target for the UK is expected to be but never the less, being told to produce 15 per cent of our energy from renewable sources by 2020 will necessarily kick-start a clean energy revolution - currently our renewable energy total is less than 3 per cent, just behind Malta in the EU league table.

Powering the South-West, and the tricky issue of tidal power in the Severn

Posted by bex — 2 October 2007 at 6:18pm - Comments

How to best power the UK: what with the government's endless energy reviews, its current nuclear consultation and the rapidly growing interest in low carbon energy sources, it's the question every greenie worth their salt is talking about at the moment.

The real solution to climate change

Posted by bex — 3 August 2007 at 4:27pm - Comments

We recently launched a new film about the real solution to climate change (clue: it's not nuclear power - and the film explains exactly why not). The film's been sent to every MP in the country and is making its way around the interweb nicely. But we think its message - that the UK needs a new, and sane, energy system now - is crucial and we want to push it out further. So we've produced this new trailer.

There are plenty of ways you can help us get the word out: write to your MP asking them to watch the film; embed the film or the trailer on your website, blog or MySpace page; send it to a friend; Hugg it, Digg it or add it to your StumbleUpon favourites.

Climate change is happening. We know exactly what needs to be done to stop it. The technologies already exist. Let's do it.

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