Voices For Change

Voices for change: Sinking Sundarbarns

Posted by jossc — 5 January 2010 at 4:30pm - Comments

At the mouth of the Ganges River lies the Sundarbans - 20,000 square kilometres of Unesco protected mangrove forest stretching between India and Bangladesh. It is home to 500 endangered Bengali tigers, countless crocodiles and around 4.3 million people.

Voices for Change: California

Posted by jossc — 16 November 2009 at 4:14pm - Comments

In this third Voices for Change video, fire chief Thom Porter talks about how weather is changing in his native California, because of climate change. And how this is directly affecting him and his team, because more dry wood and more dry lightning means more fires.

Voices for Change: Sydney

Posted by jossc — 11 November 2009 at 1:20pm - Comments

In Sydney, between drought and dust storms, the effects of climate change are becoming more visible than ever.

In this Voices for Change video Amanda McKenzie from the Australian Youth Climate Coalition explains how these changes are affecting life in a city increasingly vulnerable to storm surges and rising sea-levels.

Voices for Change: Delhi

Posted by jossc — 5 November 2009 at 11:40am - Comments

Erratic monsoons, the highest summer temperatures for 50 years, disrupted summer rainfall patterns - just some of the impacts of climate change which are threatening the Indian city of Delhi.

In this second Voices for Change video, Delhi born photographer Ishan Tankha describes how the weather in India has changed during his lifetime, and ponders the consequences for himself and his fellow citizens.

Copenhagen - Voices for Change

Posted by jossc — 30 October 2009 at 3:04pm - Comments

The Copenhagen Climate Change Summit this December represents the best chance we have of reaching a deal to reverse current emissions trends in time to prevent climate chaos.

This is the first in a series of videos, Voices for Change, which talks to some of those who're already suffering aroung the world as a result of climate change. We'll be publishing more in the weeks running up to Copenhagen.

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