john hayes

#Energygate: What we found and why it matters

Posted by petespeller — 14 November 2012 at 3:44pm - Comments

Today we’ve exposed explosive evidence of the lengths to which some Conservative Party MPs will go to sabotage progress on climate change. We’ve uncovered a plot to dismantle the Climate Change Act and one Tory MP involved in trying to manipulate a by-election to push his own anti-wind agenda.

Why gas is not the solution

Posted by Lawrence Carter — 13 November 2012 at 6:34pm - Comments
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Gas is dirty and expensive. We need clean energy.

The Northamptonshire constituency of Corby may seem a world away from your home and energy bills, but make no mistake, the two are linked.

Our #energygate investigation has revealed the extreme lengths some Tory politicians will go to push their anti-green agenda, including manipulating the Corby by-election.

Greenpeace response to Energy Minister John Hayes' attack on wind farms.

Last edited 31 October 2012 at 1:17pm
31 October, 2012

Responding to Energy Minister John Hayes' attack on wind farms, Greenpeace Energy Campaigner Leila Deen said:

“John Hayes’ petulant outburst adds to the Coalition’s growing energy shambles and to a deepening divide within Government between those who care about green growth and the economy and those who just want more oil and gas.

Here is a new minister veering off brief and publicly contradicting his bosses. His comments threaten jobs and his approach will drive up energy bills.

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