george osborne

George has yet to live up to his promises

Posted by jamess — 20 October 2010 at 6:06pm - Comments

So at least we know they got the message. Giving his speech on the government cuts today, George Osborne said:

“Yesterday, protestors scaled the Treasury urging us to proceed with our idea for a Green Investment Bank. Mr Speaker, it's the first time anyone has protested in favour of a bank.”

The Chancellor went on to say the government was going to setup the bank. But only with £1bn. And even that only comes in 2013.

So there's still a long way to go until we have a green bank that has the power and independence to support low-carbon programmes across the country.

Video: Remember George, green bank = new jobs

Posted by jossc — 19 October 2010 at 3:38pm - Comments

Greenpeace climbers scaled the Treasury building on the eve of the government's spending review, to hang a banner urging Chancellor George Osborne to create a Green Investment Bank which could create tens of thousands of new jobs by funding low-carbon programmes across the country.

Green Campaigners Scale Treasury Ahead of Government Spending Review

Last edited 19 October 2010 at 6:50am
19 October, 2010

Four Greenpeace climbers have scaled the Treasury building in the heart of Westminster this morning as Chancellor George Osborne is finalising his public spending cuts.

The environmental campaigners are asking the Chancellor to stick to his earlier statements backing a green investment bank, which could potentially provide tens of thousands of new jobs.

George's top 10 green promises

Posted by jamess — 19 October 2010 at 6:44am - Comments

A few moments ago, four of our activists scaled the Treasury building where George Osborne works to deliver him a reminder: Green Bank = New Jobs. Right now he’s finalising the package of government cuts and spending that’s going to be released tomorrow, but we don’t want to see the potential for a green economy and new jobs squeezed out by the spending review.

A few moments ago, four of our activists scaled the Treasury building where George Osborne works to deliver him a reminder: Green Bank = New Jobs

Right now he’s finalising the package of government cuts and spending that’s going to be released tomorrow, but we don’t want to see the potential for a green economy and new jobs squeezed out by the spending review.

Trident - who'd buy it?

Posted by Louise Edge — 28 July 2010 at 3:14pm - Comments

How The Sun saw last week's spat between Osborne and Fox © Andy Davey

Trident replacement is looking less likely today after Chancellor George Osborne told media that the Treasury weren’t willing to stump up for the project out of central funds.

Speaking in New Delhi, where he is accompanying David Cameron on his visit to India, Mr Osborne told the Bloomberg newswire: "All budgets have pressure. I don't think there's anything particularly unique about the Ministry of Defence. I have made it very clear that Trident renewal costs must be taken as part of the defence budget."

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