Greenpeace warns Brazilian government: Genetically modified soya approval would be illegal

Last edited 31 July 2001 at 8:00am
31 July, 2001

On Monday 30th July 2001, Greenpeace erected a large concrete sculpture of Brazil's federal constitution in front the of the Ministry of Agriculture in Brasilia to remind Minister Marcus Vinicius Pratini de Moraes that he is not legally authorised to approve the commercial growing of Monsanto's genetically modified (GM) Roundup-Ready soybeans. The Minister had announced last week that he would issue a permit for such growing in due time before Brazil's planting season in September 2001.

Thailand bans genetically modified crop trials

Last edited 6 April 2001 at 8:00am
6 April, 2001

Greenpeace today applauded the Thai Government's decision to stop the release of all Genetically Modified (GM) crops into the environment and no longer allow any GM field trials in Thailand. With this decision Thailand takes the lead in Asia to protect its environment, biodiversity and farmers from genetic pollution.

Greenpeace joins wine producers in urging halt to GM vine trials-

Last edited 26 March 2001 at 9:00am
26 March, 2001
GM grainResearch released today by Greenpeace International reveals that trials of genetically modified vines are currently underway in key wine growing countries across the world, including the USA (California), France, Australia, Italy and Germany (1).

Greenpeace is urging governments to halt these trials amid concerns that they could destroy traditional and organic grape varieties. The call came as they released results of a survey showing that UK wine retailers unanimously reject GM wine.

Genetically modified 'Golden rice' not to be released into the environment within the next five years, admits International Rice

Last edited 20 March 2001 at 9:00am
20 March, 2001
Solution - Organic agriculture in actionThe International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) has confirmed to Greenpeace that it has no plans to release genetically modified (GM) so-called "Golden Rice" into the environment. Field trials are unlikely to take place within the next five years.

Is the baby food you buy really non-GM?

Last edited 8 March 2001 at 9:00am
8 March, 2001
smaGreenpeace today released a guide to which baby food brands are fully non-GM. The guide, which is part of Greenpeace's Shoppers Guide to GM, can be accessed online or by sending a SAE to Greenpeace.

None of the baby food on sale in the UK directly contains GM ingredients. However it can contain products, such as cheese, eggs or meat, from animals fed on GM feed.

Greenpeace calls on government to halt imminent GM trials and remove flower heads from current GM trials

Last edited 28 February 2001 at 9:00am
28 February, 2001
Solution - Go OrganicGreenpeace today attacked the government for announcing new GM trial sites (1) despite the fact a review into how imported Canadian seed was contaminated with GM has yet to be completed.

Greenpeace wrote to Environment Minister Michael Meacher outlining their concerns last week. In the letter Greenpeace called on the Government to remove the flower heads from all GM crops currently growing to prevent contamination of surrounding farms and to halt new GM trials.

Canadian Government report urges caution over GM crops and food

Last edited 19 February 2001 at 9:00am

Oil seed rapeThe safety and regulation of GM food has again been questioned. According to a new Canadian report (prepared by highly regarded experts for the Royal Society of Canada) GM food could pose:

"serious risks to human health, of extensive, irremediable disruption for the natural ecosystems or of serious dimunition of biodiversity"

Clarification of the Greenpeace policy on Golden rice

Last edited 14 February 2001 at 9:00am
Greenpeace - taking action against GMYou may have been slightly confused by recent media reports that Greenpeace will not take direct action against so called golden rice. The reason for this misunderstanding is that a Greenpeace campaigner made comments at a press conference in Lyons that were linked in ways that he did not intend.

Funder admits pro-GM public relations campaign has 'gone too far'

Last edited 12 February 2001 at 9:00am
12 February, 2001

UK's largest poultry producer goes non-GM

Last edited 2 February 2001 at 9:00am
chickenGrampian, who produce 3.8 million chickens a week and provide some of the UK's top supermarkets with their own label chicken have announced that they will be feeding all of their poultry and pigs with non-GM soya by June 2001.

This news follows hot on the heels of announcements by Tesco and Asda that poultry and pigs sold under their own labels will be non-GM fed from this summer.

Top turkey producer Bernard Matthews have also announced that they are to feed their turkeys non-GM feed.